El Guapo: CCW Drill Based on a Classic

By Clay Martin
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El Guapo: CCW Drill Based on a Classic

September 15th, 2024

3:08 runtime

Anytime a new concealed carry handgun comes out, I like to take it to the range to run some combat pistol shooting drills. There are many classics from which to choose. Based against a standard set of old drills, it kind of gives me an idea of how the gun performs. But what is one to do when a weapon as unique as the Hellcat comes out? You create a new one.

Hellcat in a Crossbreed Reckoning hybrid holster for Concealed Carry of a self-defense pistol.
Clay packed the Hellcat and a spare mag for the drill with the excellent Crossbreed Reckoning holster.

In this article, I break down the El Guapo – a CCW shooting drill that takes into account the realities of the modern self-defense handgun. However, the El Guapo is still based on time tested techniques and established CCW training drills.

Hellcat’s Unique Features for CCW

With a 13+1 or 11+1 capacity, thin slide and frame, yet incredible ergonomics, the Springfield Hellcat represents a new breed of CCW handguns. The Hellcat carries small but shoots and acts like a much bigger gun in your hands.

Despite its tiny size, it actually makes a good substitute for a full-sized handgun — and that is pretty much without precedent. In fact, my editor, Mike Humphries, told me the Hellcat is making it harder and harder for him to justify every day carry of a full-size gun for CCW.

Classic CCW Drills

So, what to do to take advantage of the strengths of this new pistol? Modify an existing CCW drill to create a new one tailored to your needs. The result is the El Guapo: a CCW shooting drill based on the classic El Presidente.

For those not familiar with this tried-and-true drill, the El Pres classic is where you start facing away from three targets set at 10 meters. On the buzzer, you turn, draw and fire two shots at each of the targets, reload, and then fire two more shots on each target.

[Be sure to read Paul Carlson’s article on safely loading a gun.]

This single drill tests your ability to draw on the move, engage multiple targets at a challenging distance, and also reload under stress. It covers just about every skill you would need for self-defense.

Running the Hellcat in a modified El Presidente drill with Federal Syntech ammo
Along with the Crossbreed holster, Clay also used Federal Syntech ammo in the El Guapo drill.

Say Hello to the El Guapo CCW Drill

But how about we take it to the next level? As I understand it, the original drill was designed for six-round revolvers, which makes the “shoot six, reload and shoot six” pattern make a lot of sense.

Well, with the Hellcat we have at least 11+1 on board (13+1 with the extended magazine), so how about we kick it up a notch? For the El Guapo drill, I merely turned the target count up to six. Yep, I doubled the number of targets.

This little gun gives me a pistol capable enough to not only take on the challenging original drill, but double its difficulty. Basically, with this little Hellcat I have capacity pushing that of a full-size 9mm duty handgun, and shooting characteristics that would give many duty-sized 9mms a run for their money.

Why the El Guapo?

I know, from experience, that rounds in your magazine tend to become imprinted in your mind over time. Just through practice, your subconscious starts to recognize when the gun is getting light.

I wouldn’t bet the farm on this as a party trick, but I would also guess I’m far from alone. I rarely, if ever, drop a magazine with more than one round in it. Most of the time, it is empty, and the last round is still in the chamber. And I haven’t been surprised by slide lock in a very long time.

Running the El Presidente drill
The Hellcat’s amazing capacity makes it capable of performing more like a full-size pistol than a micro-sized compact.

So, if you get a new Hellcat, I recommend you shoot some high round count drills like the El Guapo with it.

Train that brain away from reloading every six or eight shots — because now you don’t have to. In a street fight, reloads cost time. This is a fact none of us can get around. Sure, tactics play a role, but being able to put the “hammer” down could be the difference between winning and losing.

Running the El Guapo Drill

To run the El Guapo shooting drill you need several things:

  • a pistol holding at least 11+1 rounds
  • spare magazines
  • plenty of ammunition
  • six targets
  • holster and other carry gear (train as you carry)
  • shot timer

Set up the targets in pairs so that targets one and two are directly next to each other. Do the same with targets 3-6. Then arrange each pair to be 1 yard apart from each other.

El Guapo shooting drill target arrangement
This is how the targets should be arranged for the El Guapo shooting drill.

To start the drill, load a pistol with not less than 12 rounds total. The shooter begins facing away from the targets with the loaded gun holstered and covered by any concealment garment.

At the buzzer, the shooter will turn and face the targets. In any order, the shooter will engage each target with two rounds into center mass. Once all six targets have been engaged, the shooter will reload and engage each target again with two rounds.

The total course of fire is 24 rounds. Placing a total of four shots into the center mass scoring area of each target with a time of less than 15-seconds shows basic competency.

Shooters should push themselves to become faster without sacrificing accuracy.

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Clay Martin

Clay Martin

Clay Martin is a former USMC Infantryman, Reconnaissance Marine, and Scout/Sniper. Cross decking to the US Army in 2003, he retired as a Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant from 3rd SFG (A). Clay has been a competitive shooter in USPSA, 3 Gun, and PRS disciplines, as well as a contract instructor for marksmanship and Close Quarters Battle. Aside from being a gunslinger, Clay is the author of Last Son of the War God, and the soon to be published Sword of the Caliphate series. He currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife, sons, and pack of feral dogs.

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