How far should your concealed carry handgun be capable of shooting? If you’re running off of averages, the statistics say seven yards. And I would buy that when you think of all the things a normal street crime lethal force encounter involves. Positive ID, clear and present danger, blah blah blah. But if you base your needs on raw averages, you could risk it and leave your gun at home.
I don’t live that way, and odds are you don’t either. When I leave my house, I carry a Springfield 911 in my holster to help me address lethal threats.

The fact of the matter is, the world is changing. You might find yourself in a rifle fight, holding onto just your CCW gun. If push comes to shove, will your gun reach? This week, I decided to find out.

All the things that make a gun great for concealment also tend to make it not great for shooting. Short sight radius to go with the short comfy barrel, thin little grips for stashing in your waistband, and not exactly a target gun trigger since you’re cramming it in your pants. But are there exceptions to that rule?

From my experience with the 911, I would have to say yes. While I have seen CCW specials that wouldn’t hit paper at 25 yards, this isn’t one of them. I have been impressed from day one about the accuracy of the 911, all the more so since it actually has a stubby little 2.7 inch barrel. So I took my .380 ACP version on a walk back and it reached out farther that even I would have bet. Take a look at the video above to see how it did.

Would I pick a .380 for a gunfight against a rifle? Nope. But, if I found myself in that situation and the 911 was what I had with me, I’d be ready to reach out with it to stop the threat. Part of being ready is to carry the Springfield 911 with you and couple that with quality training.