Car Carry
June 5th, 2019
3 minute read
As serious gun owners we realize that we spend a great deal of time behind the wheel. The internet is awash with concealed carry suggestions, yet few really address the challenges we face when carrying inside a car. The position of your holster, the size of your gun, and even the cant of your holster are all factors that should be reviewed at as you begin to slide in behind the wheel. With that in mind, let’s take a few minutes and look at some things to consider.
Carrying on the body is easiest when it comes to trying to get in and out of your car but there are also methods of carrying off body while you were driving. There’s no shortage of vehicle holsters, safes, and retention devices that can be found in order to help solve this challenge. Regardless of the device you choose, if you go that route, there are a few important things to consider. First off, the gun must be truly secure. In the event that you are in a car accident it is less than optimal to have your $5,000 pistol bouncing around inside your car. The secondary point of concern is accessibility. While some vehicle gun safes are great for keeping things secure, they can make getting to your gun during an emergency a bit of a challenge. As always, you’re balancing safety and accessibility.

As I alluded to earlier the most common method of carrying behind the wheel is simply leaving the gun in the holster. With this there are several things to consider as well. While your holster and gun may be super comfortable while standing or walking around, you may find it less so after three hours behind the wheel. A gun carried in an inside the waistband holster at 3 o’clock can be a bit of a challenge when trying to buckle and unbuckle. This is where the FBI cant originated from. Agents simply tilted their holster to make it more comfortable while driving.
There is no shortage of opinions on the best way and location to carry your gun. What I believe to be the truth is this: that you need to find what fits you best. Before you make that choice, however, you to need to make sure that the carry position, rig, and gun are compatible with your daily drive time. As with anybody, I have my personal preferences. I carry a full size gun inside the waistband so I need to be very conscious of its position in regards to the seat belt buckle. If it is too close to 3 o’clock, it could actually impede my ability to take my seat belt off. As a general practice I carry at approximately 2 o’clock and have the seat belt tucked between myself and my gun. This allows me a very quick presentation while still sitting in the driver’s seat. It is also important that you actually practice accessing your weapon while sitting in your car. There are two schools of thought in regards to seat belt placement. People such as myself like the seat belt behind the gun while others prefer it over the gun – their reasoning being that it is easier to get the seat belt off. Both have pluses and minuses. You need to decide which one fits best for you.
The last point I need to bring up is about the law. Some states are extremely restrictive about where you carry in the car while other states are less so. It is essential that you understand the firearm laws and transport laws not only in your state but your local jurisdictions as well.
As with any concealed carry tip, it is essential that you find your own set up that fits you best. Consider the points I have put forward and discover ultimately what works best for you. The only point I am adamant about is that you do in fact carry if you are able to. Be safe and carry smart.