Review: Falco Falcon IWB Holster
August 28th, 2022
5 minute read
Leather has charisma. It also pairs well with steel-frame pistols like 1911s — especially if the leather holsters, belts and mag pouch are from Falco. Open the package, and the aroma of imported Italian leather handcrafted by artisans smells like success. Falco leather has that custom-made look and feel, yet doesn’t cost as much as your gun. Such is the case in this Falco Falcon holster review.

I recently decided that I wanted a good leather holster for my Springfield Armory Mil-Spec 1911, so Falco Holsters was my first choice. When ordering, I specified an open-top, inside-the-waistband (IWB) holster without a retention strap, matching belt, and single magazine pouch. Ordering a set gives you a 15 percent discount over buying the components separately.
The Falco factory in Slovakia shipped the set consisting of a A105 IWB “Falcon” holster, K102 belt and ammo pouch. All were finished in a deep matching mahogany brown. They work together as a great EDC system for smaller handguns, but especially well with heavy-metal, full-size 1911s.

The Details
The A105 IWB leather holster is molded to the contours of a Government-size 1911 just like I had asked. Hand-tanned and smooth to the touch on the outside, rough and raw on the inside. Inserting my 1911 into the holster, the fit was tight. But, I knew with time it would loosen to be perfectly snug. Consider that the Falco holster is a lot like a new, stiff pair of boots. You needed to wear them and break them in for a comfortable, custom fit.
On average, a steel frame 1911 weighs around 40 ounces. That sounds light until you convert it to pounds. At nearly 2.5 lbs. loaded, a steel-frame 1911 not only sounds heavy, it is heavy. All good when dealing with .45 ACP recoil, but carrying one around all day on your hip can be a chore. Ill-fitting holsters’ loose shape along with a poorly designed belt can allow the gun to pull away from your body and “print” under your shirt or jacket.
You need a well-made rig that distributes weight comfortably, is convenient to use, and will last. The Falco A105 IWB holster paired with the Falco K102 belt is a natural option for concealed or open carry with a full-size 1911. I’ve been wearing the Falco set for months now and I am amazed at how beautiful and comfortable it is.
Falco Falcon Break-In Period
The leather is an 1/8” thick on the holster, and tight at first. I inserted and withdrew my 1911 at least 100 times then let the 1911 sit in the holster for a week. After the holster and 1911 got to know each other, the draw was smooth, and rehosltering was just as smooth. That getting-to-know-you period allowed the gun to break in the leather. I also held the holstered (and empty!) 1911 upside down and the pistol stayed put. Only with a hard shake did it slide out. This was just the right amount of retention for a smooth, quick draw. There is no retention screw to bulk up the holster. Retention is simply friction fit.

The mouth of the holster is reinforced with an extra layer of leather to keep the holster open for ease in re-holstering. The holster attaches to your belt by a strong, sturdy steel clip that latches onto the A102 belt with a death grip. This ensures that when you draw, you draw just the pistol and not the pistol and holster.

The design is compact, allowing you to conceal large handguns like a 1911 without struggling. Re-holstering doesn’t require you to watch the process as the gun enters the holster. It was second nature to flip the thumb safety on, with my trigger finger alongside the pistol, and gently reinsert the 1911. That’s one of the more comforting features I like in a holster; the ability to re-holster without watching what I’m doing. Leather holsters also “give” a little, so the Falco allows you to sit without getting jabbed in the side.
Buckle Up
A good holster can fail if used with an insufficient belt. The Falco K102 belt is made with two layers of leather and slick on each side so the belt easily snakes through belt loops. It is also thick and sturdy so the holster stays put and distributes the weight of the gun and spare ammo around your waist. The steel buckle is tasteful and unassuming. It looks like a high-end casual belt.

I chose a single magazine pouch to complement the holster and belt. The colors matched perfectly, and the white stitching looked great. There is a retention screw so you can fine tune the hold on the magazine. The pouch can be attached to the belt either IWB via a steel clip on one side of the pouch, or OWB via a leather belt loop on the other side. I don’t know many pouches that have this carry option feature.
Review Conclusion
Leather has character, as does the 1911. The Falco Falcon holster, belt and mag pouch offer excellent looks and are extremely comfortable and durable. It’s a winning combination.
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