Firearm Simulator Training

By Michelle Cerino
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Firearm Simulator Training

June 7th, 2020

4 minute read

Have you ever tried firearm simulator training? I recently had the opportunity at the Boondocks Firearms Training Academy in Raymond, Mississippi. A firearm simulator is much more than just a video game. Used correctly, this eye-opening experience offers numerous training opportunities.

Firearm Simulator

Simulators are designed to expose students to real-life scenarios and see how they react when confronted by a threat. SIRT Laser pistols or CO2 loaded firearms are often used, NEVER live ammunition. 

Before the firearm simulator begins, students learn what scenario they are walking into. For example, “As you leave work, you are walking to your car and approached by a man you do not know.” or “You’re upstairs in your home when you hear a noise.” 

To get the most out of simulator training, it’s important to mentally and physically put yourself in the situation. This includes talking to the person on the screen and yelling when necessary. Also, it’s beneficial to add movement, even though this is sometimes difficult, depending on the area available. 

Realistic training like this can mean the difference between life and death on the street.

At the end of the simulation, there usually is an after-action debriefing. This is a time to discuss what happened and how things could have been done differently and this … is where the training comes in.

If you can try a firearm simulator, consider these training opportunities afterward.

Gather as much information as you can to inform your training with firearms.


When using a simulator for training, you are put in a situation where you have to react to a stimulus. During the debriefing, it’s important to verbalize why you reacted the way you did. This is where mindset comes in. Read more about mindset in a previous article I wrote, 7 Ways to Diminish Your Chance of Being a Victim

Dry-fire practice can be a huge boost to your training.

Dry-Fire Practice

Another point to reflect on after the firearm simulator is how well you could draw from concealed carry. Were you able to get to your firearm and draw without fumbling? A great way to improve your draw is with dry fire practice. Stacy Bright wrote a great article, Dry Fire Training Tips: Get the Most Out of Your Firearms TrainingBuild your skills while in the comfort of your home so you are better prepared when you have a deadly encounter. 

Don’t forget to get some real-time training with your handgun on the range.

On the Range

Often when using a firearm simulator, the instructor can show you where your shots went. This is a great opportunity to learn what you need to work on when it comes to engaging a target. If you missed precision shots, try setting up smaller or longer distance targets on the range. If your shots were all over the place, make sure to practice pressing your trigger straight and to the rear so as not to disturb your sights. Work with an unloaded pistol first, perhaps even taking yourself back to the fundamentals. Read Concealed Carry Journey: Grip, Trigger Press and Sight Picture for more information on the fundamentals.

Final Thoughts

Always attend firearm simulator training with an open mind. Remember, firearm simulators put in you a situation where you are already on edge, you are the only target and know you must take some type of action. Also, depending on the room where the simulator is located, cover isn’t always available as an option. And, the simulator forces you to move in a predetermined direction you may not have chosen. So, consider everything a learning experience. Failure is acceptable, and should result in learning and time spent working on improving your skills. Firearm simulator training is a great way to design your own curriculum and determine what you need to work on when it comes to concealed carry. 

Editor’s Note: This article was written by Michelle Cerino and shared with us by Women’s Outdoor News. You can find the original article here. Also, be sure to check out The Armory Life Forum, where you can comment about our daily articles, as well as just talk guns and gear. Click the “Go To Forum Thread” link below to jump in!

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Michelle Cerino

Michelle Cerino

Michelle Cerino is the managing editor at Women’s Outdoor News and author of Gear Up, sponsored by Springfield Armory and Princess Gunslinger. She also freelances for other industry magazines including Combat Handguns, Person Defense World and New Pioneer Magazine. Michelle is the president of Cerino Consulting and Training Group LLC, a firearms training company she built with her husband Chris in 2011. They instruct both civilians and law enforcement. Her path in the firearms and outdoors industries is ever progressing. She is writing, hunting, competing and doing contract work for major manufacturers. Michelle is a proud Life Member of the NRA, and also belongs to NSSF, AG&AG and ILEETA.

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