Five Must-Have Survival Meds
February 27th, 2020
4 minute read
If you’ve been working on creating your own medical kit, then at some point you’ve had to do some thinking about what your family needs individually. It’s a given that to make an effective kit, you’ll need to ensure that any medical conditions are accounted for and supplied appropriately. If you’re diabetic, for instance, you’ll need to be able to measure blood sugar and handle any deviations from normal. If you have a child who is allergic to something, you probably need to have an Epi-pen in your kit.

What if, however, no one in your family has any major medical conditions? Can you ditch all of the extra preps and just go with bandages and whatnot? The short answer is no — there are still a few things that you need as standard in your kit regardless of your conditions or lack thereof.

Aspirin is something that most people take at some point in their lives. In fact, many people with cardiac issues take baby aspirin every day since it helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming clots. Even if you and your family have no cardiac problems, it’s always good to have aspirin in both adult and baby form. Aspirin can be used for everything from muscle and joint pain to headaches and toothaches.

Anti-Diarrheal Medications
Diarrhea has a long list of causes, and while it might not be fun to talk about, it can kill you if it goes on too long. It causes severe dehydration, weakness, and other not-so-fun effects that can stack up to put you in mortal danger over time — especially if you aren’t sure what’s causing it or are in an emergency situation where you may not be able to change your diet or get properly hydrated.

Vicks VapoRub
This is the only brand name product mentioned in this article — and that’s because there’s really no substitute for it. In my home we use it for a wide variety of things both medicinal and preventive. A swipe under the nose can clear out sinuses and let you sleep when you have a cold. I’ve used it to relieve a sinus migraine as well.
In fact, it’s also my go-to when having to deal with anything that has a horrific odor; let’s face it, a survival situation is going to involve things you don’t really want to smell. Having some VapoRub around could make it a bit easier — or even possible — to do what you need to do.

Re-Hydration Salts
At some point, you or a family member is going to get dehydrated. Kids are notorious for this; it’s not like they’re big water drinkers on their own as a rule. Illness, exertion and even weather conditions can contribute to that; before you know it, a simple glass of water isn’t going to remedy the problem fast enough. Re-hydration salts can replace some of the nutrients you and your family need, such as potassium.
You can certainly make your own ORS (oral rehydration salts), but it’s a lot easier to just have some on hand. Chinook Medical Gear has them for only $1.57 each.

It might seem like we’re focusing an awful lot on gastrointestinal function, but the truth is that if things aren’t working in your guts, you’re going to be less effective at best and possibly dead at worst. Constipation can result in bowel impaction, and that is not something you want to deal with in a survival situation. It can be caused by poor hydration, stress and even the food you eat. While it’s far better to manage such things with diet and hydration, it’s also critical to have something in your kit that can help you deal with it if you need to.
Additionally, here are a few more things you may want to consider having in your kit:
- Benadryl: for minor allergies that don’t require an epi-pen
- Vitamins: a solid multi-vitamin is a great thing to be taking now, and especially in a SHTF scenario when you might not be able to get the full complement of nutrients you need
- Cough syrup: whether you buy some or make it yourself, a cough can affect you in ways you might not have thought of, including ruining any noise discipline you may need to operate under
- Aloe vera gel: It’s great for burns and minor cuts, scars, and even skin hydration
In a SHTF situation, things that are merely an annoyance now can become a life or death problem. Think through those scenarios and plan accordingly. There will come a day when you’re very glad you did.
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