Or gun.Agree. Some folks even carry more than one phone.
Or gun.Agree. Some folks even carry more than one phone.
I prefer this method.I also never holster the weapon while wearing the holster. The gun either goes inside the holster before I put it on, or I remove the holster from my waistband to re-holster the gun. I consider carrying a weapon to be an individual choice and fully accept that many people are uncomfortable with AIWB carry.
I certainly don't think appendix carry is a trend and I don't see anyone pressuring someone to carry their sidearm in any particular manner. Those of us that do realize the supreme benefits of appendix carry do so out of that knowledge first and foremost...I for one don't care where a person carries their gun, as long as they are trained and the weapon is safe and secure, you can carry it however is best for you.Let me count the ways in which I can unwittingly perforate myself...
I would add to Gruber's comment, The only way I would carry appendix style is with an unloaded firearm.
But then, I am notoriously fond of all of my soft bits and hydraulic fluid.
There are other, much safer methods of carrying handguns without having to feel pressured by stylish trends.
Welcome to the forum tsbent!Like many, I vary my concealed carry position according to clothing and circumstance. Cross draw opposite the appendix is one I utilize in automobiles. Like many, I am concerned about holstering the gun. I found it is easy to re-holster using the handle only and torquing the handle so the muzzle points away from the torso during insertion into the holster. I never place a finger in the trigger guard drawing or holstering my gun. If a lightning bolt hit the trigger and fired the weapon, it would only strike the ground far in front of my feet. We are all different. This works for me.
I carry appendix. My two recent carry pistols are SAO striker. One has a safe action trigger, the other does not but can be modified to have one. Its my opinion that carrying appendix requires additional training. Re-holstering is critical that the user pull the holster out and re-holster while pointing the gun and holster in a safe direction. This reduces the risk of ND and prevents injury and death if the trigger is activated: it takes a few seconds. Any drawing requires trigger finger discipline for any holster: keeping the trigger finger clear of the trigger until the gun has cleared your body and aimed at the threat is the second adaptation. More emphasis on safety given the difference of mode of carry is critical. I carry a 1911A1 appendix also, and the thumb safety provides a false sense of security, and the same safety adaptations should be adhered to. A tactical re-holster if you will, can be done under duress where the appendix holster is tilted away from the body and the gun is then holstered. The same injury can be sustained from hip holstering, but appendix makes tilting the holster away from the body a bit more difficult and this is why I recommend being mindful of these two steps. It is in theory the same set of actions and safety rules, but appendix adds a bit more potential for chaos into the fray from my experience of carrying appendix for 20+ years successfully. I have had lint, shirt material, seat belts, and other loose debris, block both draw and holstering.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "Should I Appendix Carry?" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/should-i-appendix-carry/.
If you are carrying IWB on your hip the bullet isn't just going to graze your leg. It's got a pretty good chance of hitting the femoral vein, possibly even the femoral artery.
I agree. I get poked prodded and pinched trying to sit appendix carry.cannot appendix carry. I would be worried about it continually. Even if the gun was unloaded.
At 1:11 (in the Aliengear Holster video), the guy puts the holster and the gun right at the 12:00 position, pointing right at his most critical area! I can't do it! No way!since i got my ccw, i wanted to carry AIWB, due to not being able to get my arm behind me (extreme pain if i try)
so, i started with a "we the people" IWB, and it really worked for me.
but the slide (at the rear sight) touches my skin. and like some here, i have hair.
so i went and got an Alien Gear AIWB, and it has like an "extension" of sorts that covers that part of the slide, and is also really comfortable.
i like appendix carry, more comfortable for me, easy to reach, and i have no trouble sitting down, if i make a slight adjustment when i first put it on, then done.
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At 1:11 (in the Aliengear Holster video), the guy puts the holster and the gun right at the 12:00 position, pointing right at his most critical area! I can't do it! No way!
But hey, if it works for you, go for it!
no, i do not put it in THAT place...lolAt 1:11 (in the Aliengear Holster video), the guy puts the holster and the gun right at the 12:00 position, pointing right at his most critical area! I can't do it! No way!
But hey, if it works for you, go for it!