
I found a new gun oil/cleaner

Far as I know it’s still the PFTE product. But I’m not certain if thats exactly what Teflon is or if Teflon is a derivative product from PFTE.
Ive bought some online recently and also over the last couple years (although it’s near about impossible to find on shelves anywhere around here) and it seems the same as the first I ever used.
I will check their website and search online… u got my curiosity up.
PFTE is Teflon. Teflon is just the short name.
Teflon in most cases has been removed from everything. Slick50 no longer has Teflon.
You can no longer buy Teflon pots and pans.
After the movie Dark Waters and the lawsuits most everyone that had a product that contained it has removed it and distanced themselves from it.
I'm not saying the new stuff that they use on pots and pans to make it non-stick is any better than Teflon, of course we were told decades ago that Teflon was not hazardous and such. So I'm guessing in another 25 or 30 years whatever they're using now on the pans we will find out is completely hazardous to human health.
First I’ve heard of it….
Looked on amazon, and they seem to make all sorts of furniture polish, metal cleaner and the like. I rather suspect that that’s where the 1914 startup lies, rather than as a gun product… but I could be wrong.
As far as gun cleaners & oils go, the only thing recent that might be considered “new” might be Tetra.
Face it, most are derived from the same few chemicals with the same general properties .
But it’s worth a try! if you find it works well, please post !!
The paperwork that came with the bottle of cleaner/lub indicates it does stem from the original product line of furniture cleaners and polishes so you're probably right in the start date of the company.

It is kind of unique in that it's obviously a tad heavier than water due to the lubricant, but it's somehow 'clearer' than water. I can't explain it but this liquid is clearer than really clean glass. It's a really unusual look. The best I can describe it is that it's 'clearer than clear'.

The paperwork does not specifically say it OK for polymer, but does say it's safe for all "stocks: wood and synthetic". I'm going to give it a try just to see how it does, but I'll definitely be careful with my plastics. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Anybody ever hear of "Milsek" (est 1914) Gun oil and cleaner? I accidentally ran into it and decided to buy a bottle to try. But before I used it, thought I'd ask around to see if any of you folks are familiar with it.

It claims to clean well, then the cleaner evaporates and leave only the oil. They're touting it for both metal and wood surfaces. They also explain it's pretty flammable. :cautious::unsure::unsure::unsure:

What say y'all????
Just read about this on another forum. It’s supposed to be environmentally friendly.

When Hickock 45 tells me it’s ok to give up my Ballistol and try this stuff I’m all in
I'm always interested in hearing what gun cleaning products other forum members use. I make every effort to keep my guns well-maintained so that they can be passed on for as many generations as possible. I'm aware that it may be overkill, but I clean with Ballistol, and apply a bit of Lucas Oil to any parts that make metal-to-metal contact or are showing wear. I've been doing this for a few years and haven't had any issues.

I may look for a stronger cleaner in the future, but ammo prices have kept my round counts pretty low for awhile. I clean my guns any time they are fired, so they never get too dirty. The only time in recent memory that I have used anything other than my Ballistol & Lucas Oil combo was to remove an insane amount of Cosmoline from a cold-war era surplus SKS that I purchased a few years back. The SKS got a mineral spirit bath with a small amount of brake cleaner applied to the stickiest areas.
Never heard of Mpro7 and never used Ballistol. Somehow I managed to keep all mine in top shape without them. Even the ones that are a century old or thereabouts. Some newer products I have at my disposal and use and which work as fine as everything else include Lucas Oil CLP, Brake Free CLP, that red CLP I forget the name of, Seal 1 ( only on bores) Weapon Shield oil and grease ( I really like the needle oiler). By now I should be a stock holder of Rem Oil in the aerosol cans. Tons of Hoppes. Good old Nitro Solvent.

I'm guessing my guns are as clean and lubricated as anyone else's. Maybe more than some.
Do you exclusively use MPro7? I use it for a quick clean, particularly at the range, but I’m never quite sure how much of a deep cleaner/solvent it is. The lack of any smell is it’s best selling point.
90% of the time I am using Mpro7 bore cleaner and their lube. I am not one who gets my guns terribly fouled and the this stuff works great for me. The only other lube that I use is that unicorn stuff from umbrella corp.
Ok I think I located it. Seems to have good reviews.

yeah, I kinda LOL at the marketing but the oil and black grease seems like good stuff. The gun that I keep in the car 24/7 has unicorn lube on it. I checked it just the other day after months of it being in the hot car and the lube has retained well. I dig the bottle and the stickers they sent me.. I will likely buy more.

I have not been using it long enough to rav about it but so far, I am impressed.