This looks interesting: Kevlar fabric for your clothes:
It's not that expensive, and it looks like it could be easily sewn in as an inner liner to your pants, jacket, etc. You could even put it in the door panels of your car.
Something like this would not give you perfect protection, but it would likely protect you from death or a crippling injury if you got shot or stabbed. Best of all, it looks lightweight enough so that you would actually wear it every day. Kind of like my small pocket-carry Ruger - I might not be able to draw as fast as someone who carries IWB, but it's so lightweight and out-of-the-way that I hardly notice that I have it, and I therefore carry it every day.

Kevlar Fabrics Ashtabula Ohio ArmorCo Advanced Armor
Click Here: Bullet Resistant Materials, Body Armor, Kevlar fabrics, Bullet Proof Wall Board, Small Steel Wall Tiles at ArmorCo Advanced Armor.

It's not that expensive, and it looks like it could be easily sewn in as an inner liner to your pants, jacket, etc. You could even put it in the door panels of your car.
Something like this would not give you perfect protection, but it would likely protect you from death or a crippling injury if you got shot or stabbed. Best of all, it looks lightweight enough so that you would actually wear it every day. Kind of like my small pocket-carry Ruger - I might not be able to draw as fast as someone who carries IWB, but it's so lightweight and out-of-the-way that I hardly notice that I have it, and I therefore carry it every day.