
funny, but very annoying BS


the other day, (Saturday in fact) my BIL got a notice from the Baltimore, MD toll authority.

He owes them for non-payment of a toll. something like $30.00

he's never been to MD, doesn't even know where it is.

his wife (my sister) called the toll authority this morning.

it's all cleared up, here is what happened.

his plate number is, J 123 (just an example)

the plate of the offender is KJ 123...get it...??? someone at the toll authority, dropped off the K

so no more problems.

but get this, in todays mail, I GET a notice from the MA state toll people, apparently i was in MA in December.......but nope, not me.

however, the plate is exactly like mine, only a different car, in fact THAT car is an SUV, i have a Corolla.

they provided me with a photo as proof, yup, my plate alright, but it is tattered and beat up.

in fact, i think that plate expired some time ago, like over 4 years ago, when i got my plate..??

and that person has been driving illegally too.

i got a bill for $1.60, but i refuse to pay it, so i am disputing the charges

takes about 7 to 10 days, to finalize the dispute, and i may still have to pay.

what if that jerk racks up hundreds of dollars in toll fines then..???

Jesus H. Crow...........

the other day, (Saturday in fact) my BIL got a notice from the Baltimore, MD toll authority.

He owes them for non-payment of a toll. something like $30.00

he's never been to MD, doesn't even know where it is.

his wife (my sister) called the toll authority this morning.

it's all cleared up, here is what happened.

his plate number is, J 123 (just an example)

the plate of the offender is KJ 123...get it...??? someone at the toll authority, dropped off the K

so no more problems.

but get this, in todays mail, I GET a notice from the MA state toll people, apparently i was in MA in December.......but nope, not me.

however, the plate is exactly like mine, only a different car, in fact THAT car is an SUV, i have a Corolla.

they provided me with a photo as proof, yup, my plate alright, but it is tattered and beat up.

in fact, i think that plate expired some time ago, like over 4 years ago, when i got my plate..??

and that person has been driving illegally too.

i got a bill for $1.60, but i refuse to pay it, so i am disputing the charges

takes about 7 to 10 days, to finalize the dispute, and i may still have to pay.

what if that jerk racks up hundreds of dollars in toll fines then..???

Jesus H. Crow...........

That sucks, I certainly hope whomever is driving around with your plate # doesn’t commit any serious crimes with that car and cause you really big headaches.

Can you get a new plate with a different number? Wonder if your DMV would switch it out for free based on the evidence you have?
A few years ago I received notice from The State of New York for the exact same thing. It’s frustrating; sadly I think we will see a lot more of it ( and other forms of identity theft) with the untold number of illegals crossing our “closed” southern border.
That sucks, I certainly hope whomever is driving around with your plate # doesn’t commit any serious crimes with that car and cause you really big headaches.

Can you get a new plate with a different number? Wonder if your DMV would switch it out for free based on the evidence you have?
i could try that.

for years and years, my state had issued plates with the same numbers but for different types of vehicles, like cars, then suburban (like suburban living) , then campers, then sometimes combo plates for pick up trucks that are registered for private use..kinda screwed up.

now they have new plate, rather than say mine JK-123, they have like 1JK-345, or 2JK-345, in sequences.

i may have to go and get rid of a plate that i have owned from at least i think since 2017, with my first lease car..???

and get a multi-numbered plate.
A few years ago I received notice from The State of New York for the exact same thing. It’s frustrating; sadly I think we will see a lot more of it ( and other forms of identity theft) with the untold number of illegals crossing our “closed” southern border.
well, it's "only $1.60" but it's the principal of the situation.

for my BIL, and sis, i told her the steps to take, step 1, contact the DMV....no results...?? contact OUR DMV

no results..??? contact a lawyer, but pay dearly, to clear your name

now, i just did the first step as well...

apparently, that location is just outside of Boston, looks like off the MA Turnpike, so like for instance, not near the NY border, where someone was coming from NY. there would have been many other tolls to pass thru from NY to that point.
i could try that.

for years and years, my state had issued plates with the same numbers but for different types of vehicles, like cars, then suburban (like suburban living) , then campers, then sometimes combo plates for pick up trucks that are registered for private use..kinda screwed up.

now they have new plate, rather than say mine JK-123, they have like 1JK-345, or 2JK-345, in sequences.

i may have to go and get rid of a plate that i have owned from at least i think since 2017, with my first lease car..???

and get a multi-numbered plate.
Or you could get a personalized plate, those should be unique, right? I think they can be costly though. Makes one think, 6 alphanumeric character license plates only results in 1,000,000 unique combinations (10^6), that’s not a lot if you have a high population State.
I didn’t have to hire a lawyer. I just went by the guidance on their website. I wrote a letter and included a picture of my old beat up Chevy sitting in the driveway with my tags on it. The picture they captured was a small dark colored sedan. That was the last I heard of it.
I kept getting notices from a toll authority in the tune of 100 bucks. The jackass that bought it was using my plates still as it hasn't expired. I disputed it also to get it cleared up. They still had me as the owner.
No free rides. Even contesting these errors cost YOU time and frustration.

Annoying indeed. They get to roll the dice and see if you’ll pay it without question. The onus is always on the taxpayer.

It’s an age-old scam when thieves find license plates in the trash or junkyard. Some creep just slaps these on their -hitbox and drive all day and night blowing signals, cameras,tolls etc. all the while that old plate has someone’s info still on record at the dmv. Used to be if someone was caught driving with a phony plate they confiscated the car. Not anymore.

While back this year I got a notice I owed the IL DMV another $25 after paying ($41) for a motorcycle renewal sticker that I actually didn’t need (it’s a bike I rarely ride) with a Pay up or Revocation in a few weeks.

Reason… because the my checking account number wasnt entered correctly on their on-line payment system. So rather than not issue a renewal sticker for funds they couldn’t collect, they sent it the renewal anyway…and then later whacked me for a penalty returned-payment fee.

I complained to DMV and of course, uninformed deaf ears and failed to get this fee dismissed.
They said I can contest the penalty fee by requesting a hearing….in-person, in Springfield.
No Zoom video conference like they do for arrestees and jail birds for bond and status hearings.
That’s +200 miles and 4 hrs away…17mpg @$3.80 gal - One Way.

So to avoid further fees and potential errors in the DMV payment system, I will not be renewing by 2 motorcycle plates anymore...not in IL.
Or you could get a personalized plate, those should be unique, right? I think they can be costly though. Makes one think, 6 alphanumeric character license plates only results in 1,000,000 unique combinations (10^6), that’s not a lot if you have a high population State.
my state stopped doing those, and when they do start up again, there will be a very long wait time. also, they charge like triple the amount for an ordinary plate.

given that my state is anti-gun, with the recent magazine ban, and other BS things going on here, i really do not want to give my state any more of my money. years ago when i did have a personal plate or "vanity plate" as it is known here, they were cheap. not anymore
I kept getting notices from a toll authority in the tune of 100 bucks. The jackass that bought it was using my plates still as it hasn't expired. I disputed it also to get it cleared up. They still had me as the owner.
well here as i mentioned my state just kept producing plates with the same numbers for different vehicles.

i even saw one time, driving home from NJ as a trucker, a STATE pick up truck, with MY pick up truck numbers..!!

but my plate was an ordinary plate, his was a STATE plate for state vehicles...!!!!!!
I didn’t have to hire a lawyer. I just went by the guidance on their website. I wrote a letter and included a picture of my old beat up Chevy sitting in the driveway with my tags on it. The picture they captured was a small dark colored sedan. That was the last I heard of it.
and that's the rub, WE have to prove who we are.

we are getting new plates, starting this spring, but the numbers will be the same, so IF someone still has the old plates, i can tell them so, and THEY can do the work, simply by going on line, as they do now, to find the owners.
Sone of this stuff can actually be scary. My wife sold her van one weekend while I was out of town to a Mexican gentleman. He paid and she signed over the title. Well three years later we get a visit from US Border patrol about "her" van being used to smuggle drugs into the country in Arizona. Obvioulsy the title was never transferred.

Luckily she was smart enough to have a neighbor witness the transaction and she kept the paperwork. Not sure what may entailed if not but was just as glad not to find out.
Yeah that's a drag. Thing is they can't make you pay it. Can't put it on your credit or expedite you or issue a warrant.

I got a slew of those letters after my trip to Texas. I was in a rented truck that had all the toll pass tags too. They failed to mention it to me and I paid a lot of tolls while I was there, but apparently I went through some unbeknownst to me as well. The wife just went ahead and paid them, but at the time I talked to a bunch of friends of mine, most of whom also got letters for the same tolls and just filed them in the round file with no repercussions. I also know someone that goes through Oklahoma weekly. He says he never pays and ignores their bills when they come and he has been for years.

Don't think I'd sweat the $1.60 though. I'd just pay it.
Yeah that's a drag. Thing is they can't make you pay it. Can't put it on your credit or expedite you or issue a warrant.

I got a slew of those letters after my trip to Texas. I was in a rented truck that had all the toll pass tags too. They failed to mention it to me and I paid a lot of tolls while I was there, but apparently I went through some unbeknownst to me as well. The wife just went ahead and paid them, but at the time I talked to a bunch of friends of mine, most of whom also got letters for the same tolls and just filed them in the round file with no repercussions. I also know someone that goes through Oklahoma weekly. He says he never pays and ignores their bills when they come and he has been for years.

Don't think I'd sweat the $1.60 though. I'd just pay it.
You do that in California they put a Lien on your car until you pay and/or garnish your wages, they’re ruthless.
You do that in California they put a Lien on your car until you pay and/or garnish your wages, they’re ruthless.
Only if you live in Kalifornia. They ain't tracking me down in Missouri.

When I left Kalifornia way, way back in 1986, I left with 7 outstanding warrants for things like minor in possession of alcohol, running from cops, fighting with some S bag Mexican gang called East Side Buena Park Gang and failure to appear on all of those. I never heard a word from any of them. Could be they just wanted me gone. They disliked us long hairs from "Back east" coming and messing with their little gang banging parties. My first day there I was acosted by 3 Mexicans with knives who demanded I give them a cigarette. I broke the end off my Corona bottle and told them to take it. The cops came, the Mexicans ran, I didn't. I got charged with possession of alcohol for the broken Corona bottle. They "Strongly encouraged" me to go back east. Which is code for they kicked my ass and took me to jail, let me out the next day and told me to leave the state. Which I did. A year and a half later. Hey, I was gonna be a big rock star. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Only if you live in Kalifornia. They ain't tracking me down in Missouri.

When I left Kalifornia way, way back in 1986, I left with 7 outstanding warrants for things like minor in possession of alcohol, running from cops, fighting with some S bag Mexican gang called East Side Buena Park Gang and failure to appear on all of those. I never heard a word from any of them. Could be they just wanted me gone. They disliked us long hairs from "Back east" coming and messing with their little gang banging parties. My first day there I was acosted by 3 Mexicans with knives who demanded I give them a cigarette. I broke the end off my Corona bottle and told them to take it. The cops came, the Mexicans ran, I didn't. I got charged with possession of alcohol for the broken Corona bottle. They "Strongly encouraged" me to go back east. Which is code for they kicked my ass and took me to jail, let me out the next day and told me to leave the state. Which I did. A year and a half later. Hey, I was gonna be a big rock star. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: