

You ever notice if you lose a blade, it's never a "cheap" one.

You see the large folder on this picture?

I took this photo of it last March for a thread in this forum and have not seen it since. I have torn thru the house and sheds and cannot find it. I bought it new about 1985 and it has been discontinued since about then. I can find nice NOS copies as nice as mine was, for about $600. I am still hopeful of finding it one day.

You see the large folder on this picture?

I took this photo of it last March for a thread in this forum and have not seen it since. I have torn thru the house and sheds and cannot find it. I bought it new about 1985 and it has been discontinued since about then. I can find nice NOS copies as nice as mine was, for about $600. I am still hopeful of finding it one day.

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Where in the house did u take the pic ? That’s the place to start.
Looks like they’re on the floor (carpet?). Start movin’ furniture, Sld !
It’s there somewhere
Where in the house did u take the pic ? That’s the place to start.
Looks like they’re on the floor (carpet?). Start movin’ furniture, Sld !
It’s there somewhere
Living room floor. I have torn the place apart and come spirng I plan on doing so to the extent of moving out stuff if I have to.

Starting to worry maybe I am losing it. Never lost anything in my life and suddenly that knife and the minimag I use for hunting disappeared at the same time. Then just recently after a week hunting trip the other flashlight I used for hunting is gone, an Inova X5 with red leds which are unobtanium any more. Like I said, either my dad and Don are playing pranks from beyond, someone is light fingers, which I hate to think because of who enters our home, or I am starting to slip. None of those options I like the sound of.
Living room floor. I have torn the place apart and come spirng I plan on doing so to the extent of moving out stuff if I have to.

Starting to worry maybe I am losing it. Never lost anything in my life and suddenly that knife and the minimag I use for hunting disappeared at the same time. Then just recently after a week hunting trip the other flashlight I used for hunting is gone, an Inova X5 with red leds which are unobtanium any more. Like I said, either my dad and Don are playing pranks from beyond, someone is light fingers, which I hate to think because of who enters our home, or I am starting to slip. None of those options I like the sound of.
…yeah, i didn’t want to ask about anyone with ‘light fingers’ but since u mentioned it : consider whether there’s been any kids visiting in the timeframe. Playing around on the floor, maybe, who might’ve spotted it pushed underneath something and picked it up.
…yeah, i didn’t want to ask about anyone with ‘light fingers’ but since u mentioned it : consider whether there’s been any kids visiting in the timeframe. Playing around on the floor, maybe, who might’ve spotted it pushed underneath something and picked it up.
The only people who have been in the house are family and damn I hate the thought of family , borrowing without asking. But we do watch 3 grand neices and nephews every other week. All day in summer and before and after school. Going to have to talk to them delicately I suppose.
My new EDC. I like belt knives. Call me crazy
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Nice knife.
I train/teach Escrima(Filipino Martial Arts) and these 3 knives are some of the ones I train with.
I also have a couple of Machetes. Good knives have gotten expensive.

A pawn shop near my house sometimes gets some decent knives and gives me a pretty good discount...:) All of the knives in the picture were bought there and I only paid about $65(plus tax) for all 3...:)


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Not exactly the Green River type pattern I would choose for carry every day, but a good solid working knife indeed. Served many outdoorsman for many years. What brand is it, does it still show?
Doesn't say. It's made in the USA and says "HAMMER FORGED". Near as I can tell, older Old Hickory based on the Green River blades. Had fun sharpening and shaving hair with it. Cuts meat really well from my experience in the kitchen. I may polish it and then give it a mustard patina
Doesn't say. It's made in the USA and says "HAMMER FORGED". Near as I can tell, older Old Hickory based on the Green River blades. Had fun sharpening and shaving hair with it. Cuts meat really well from my experience in the kitchen. I may polish it and then give it a mustard patina
I was thinking perhaps Old Hickory, it has the same blade decoration/marks as thiers
Doesn't say. It's made in the USA and says "HAMMER FORGED". Near as I can tell, older Old Hickory based on the Green River blades. Had fun sharpening and shaving hair with it. Cuts meat really well from my experience in the kitchen. I may polish it and then give it a mustard patina
I just looked and Old Hickory still sell that same model with the same blade markings. I saw they sell a complete knife set in Block for less than 70 bucks. If they are properly heat treated carbon steel that's a heck of a decent set of kitchen ware. Used and kept nice they will look just like the knives us old timers remember grandma using eventually.
I always carry two. My EDC is a WPS Fox Folder. The others depend on what work I have planned that day.
I just looked and Old Hickory still sell that same model with the same blade markings. I saw they sell a complete knife set in Block for less than 70 bucks. If they are properly heat treated carbon steel that's a heck of a decent set of kitchen ware. Used and kept nice they will look just like the knives us old timers remember grandma using eventually.
In general I know they are a softer steel (which sucks in my opinion) but I'll probably make my own out of a tougher steel. Something like D2 or O1. I believe the Old Hickories are 1075 so nearly anything is an upgrade
In general I know they are a softer steel (which sucks in my opinion) but I'll probably make my own out of a tougher steel. Something like D2 or O1. I believe the Old Hickories are 1075 so nearly anything is an upgrade
I have made knives for a hobby for close to 40 years, and yes, yoy are correct
there is a big difference in steel qualty.

However, There was a reason I said as long as they are properly heat treated and tempered, and that was part of it. If properly done almost any steel will make a decent using knife, where if done poorly I have seen D2 blades snap like glass or be impossible to sharpen.

There are many wonderful steels out there but cheaper steels can serve a person very well. A person of meager means can get a ton of utility out of a $70 knife set, if they are properly done and chosen carefully. Which obviously is going to be a bigger question with some brands. There's a reason some of those knives you see in gas stations cost like 8 bucks lol.

I watched a friend process an elk when we were in period gear and he used a green river blade he had put together himself from a 15 dollar blank. The knife performed just as well as well as any knife any of us carried.
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