
Springfield Armory

I only have 2 40's - one is a Taurus PT101AF that was made on original Beretta tooling right when Taurus got started & bought the Brazil plant and retained the local Beretta employees. Great gun, but I like my XDM40 better. I'd like to get full size XDM's in 9, 10 and 45ACP. I also have an XDE in 45ACP, which got me the Gear-Up.


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Oh and I seriously considered getting a SOCOM16 CQB in .308, but a local gun store was offering DPMS AR-10's (LR308) for only $750 (compared to $1200 for the SOCOM), so I melted my debit card a year ago and got the DPMS. Not Springfield, but a good rifle.


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I am looking to get into my first Springfield. I have a Kahr CM40 as my EDC weapon now and it is just not the weapon I am looking for. I have had my eye on the XD since they were the HS2000. I love the XD Mod.2 sub compact, but I am intrigued by the Hellcat. The U-Dot sight is a force to be reckoned with. I would like to see that become standard on all XD models.

My Springfield count goes as such:

1-XD-M (4.50) .40 S&W,
1-XD-M (4.50) 9mm,
1-MOD.2 (4.50) 9mm,
1-XD-M (3.8) 9mm,
1-XD-M (5.25) 9mm,
1-XD-S (3.3) 9mm,
1-XD-S (3.3) 45 ACP,
1- Saint AR-15 pistol 300 blk,
1-XD FS(4.0) 9mm used in a CAA Micro Roni SBR system
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I bought one of the early XDm’s 4.5 in 9mm back in 2009, it’s now 2020, works and shoots as good now as when new, mine has the additional roll mark of NRA Gun of the Year with the NRA bullseye insignia. This is my go to gun.
My Spingfields; XDm 40 (2011), XDs 45 (2012), 1911 Stainless Loaded (2017). I'm due for another Springfield but currently lack the funds so I really need to win a Hellcat!
I have a XDS Mod 2 and an XDE. I did have an issue with the XDE magazine release button sticking and had to send it back. Springfield had it back to me in 2 weeks time with a new release assembly. Never a problem since. They both seem very solid and reliable.
I have but one Springfield Armory pistol, a 911. My original intent behind the purchase was to have a compact 380ACP that my wife could shoot, and potentially carry. That all went out the window when we went out to shoot it for the first time. Failure to feed. Fine, change ammo. Failure to feed. Okay, try something else...failure to feed. We were able to shoot exactly zero rounds that day. I only paid $25 to receive it at my FFL, but now I get to pay another $25 to send it back to Springfield Armory for warranty work.
Two weeks later the pistol is back at my FFL with a re-cut and polished chamber. But checking it out at the FFL, something doesn’t feel right when racking it. In fact, it keeps locking open, and the slide won’t release. A quick disassembly reveals that the slide stop spring is missing. Marvelous...how did the plant miss this? FFL ordered a new spring, but he had tremendous trouble putting it in. But he did...as long as the slide is in place everything is fine. Pistol shoots every bit as nicely as I’d hoped. But, take off the slide and the slide stop spring shoots out. I have to be extremely careful to only do so in a well lit, uncarpeted room, or I’ll never see that spring again.
I ordered 5 new springs as insurance against the inevitable, but they don’t fit. When I do get one in place it exhibits the same issues as when the spring is not there...and also pops out of position (but stays in the pistol) when I pull the slide off.
I really wanted to love this pistol...but I wouldn’t trust my life to it.