
Recent content by az4783054

  1. A

    First Look: Tactical Gray and Coyote Brown SA-35 Pistols

    I'm with the majority (so far) about the gray. Very nice contrast of controls. The brown trend has never appealed to me.
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    so pathetic on many levels..............post here

    She gave a dumb a** excuse of what she says 'really happened'. She has a bright future ahead of her in journalism.
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    What If the M16 Rifle Never Existed?

    What If the M16 Rifle Never Existed? There would be one less thing for the left to whine about... (y)
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    Customize the Defense Pistol?

    It's nice to have choices. Choices to 'customize' or leave as out of the box. Neither is right or wrong. Whether someone else likes what one enthusiast might do to their firearm is no one else's business.
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    Show off your 1911

    It's a GBOB...
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    Tennessee Dog Goes Gangstsa

    Paw safety, ol' fashioned would be to teach puppy to keep his paws off the guns... ;)
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    Tennessee Dog Goes Gangstsa

    Blame the gun or the puppy...
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    Show off your Every Day Carry!

    I just got this back from Fink Custom Guns (Gunsite armorer) this am. Dave Fink and so many other great gunsmiths are 30 minutes away. Dave completed the project weeks early and at his quote. Satin bead blast, Wilson/Ed Brown/Night Hawk Custom parts installed. It's what I envisioned and FCG...
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    Ammunition Market Crash 2025 - Why Ammo Prices Will Drop Drastically This Year

    It's possible if we quit manufacturing and shipping to ukraine and arming our enemies all over the planet. Manufacture and keep it in America! But I'll believe it when I see it...
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    Officers Down in America

    14 years old. Gang initiation?
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    SigP320 Safety Problems Continue – Resulting In Bans from Police Training Ranges!

    I've had six P320 pistols in compact and subcompact, carried iwb and owb. I carried in good quality leather or kydex holsters. I never played show-n-tell with them. None of them discharged by themselves. A fully loaded P320 (or any firearm) will not discharge by itself unless mishandled by a...
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    GB shipping can be absurd

    It's not just gunbroker. A lot of vendors want more money to ship than what the item cost and I'm talking just a small item. Shipping via the uspo should be relatively inexpensive, but the vendors insist on shipping in an oversized box for the small item instead of a flat rate poly mailing...
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    Play the lottery with '1' and see what that gets you. You gotta expand your thinking.
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    Always remember "One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do"... ;)
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    I think the next number is 2... :unsure: