
Recent content by Domar1291

  1. Domar1291

    Wooly Pully Sweaters

    I prefer the gi issue 5 button wool sweater
  2. Domar1291

    Here's an idea.

    That would be better than making the turncoat heads of the 3 letter agencies being reassigned to going with lce to collect illegales
  3. Domar1291

    Seeking advice for one wanting to jump into the 1911 DS platform w/ a Prodigy

    Kimber kds9c is pretty awesome
  4. Domar1291

    Don’t’ Everyone Order at Once!

    They say glocks are ugly.... thats just fugly
  5. Domar1291

    Should i sell mine?

    Oown 2 glock 20s love them both, never an issue factory ammo only
  6. Domar1291

    1911 mil spec

    Call springfield they would help you out
  7. Domar1291

    First Springfield

    Love mine, accurate, reliable, easy to work on
  8. Domar1291

    the moron's last days in office continue to fail amercan citizens

    I'll take Trump any day over the same old standard.
  9. Domar1291

    the moron's last days in office continue to fail amercan citizens

    You have to be a demoncrap to believe it
  10. Domar1291

    the moron's last days in office continue to fail amercan citizens

    It's not him, he doesn't even know where he is... this shouldn't be legal
  11. Domar1291

    Crime in my small town

    Stay strapped head on a swivel
  12. Domar1291

    Merry Christmas y’all

    Remember the reason for the season
  13. Domar1291

    Dog Attack

    Killing machine right here
  14. Domar1291

    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Gluger rxm 9 ... im leary of copy cats, if this does as well as glocks. Well we will see
  15. Domar1291

    Hi Points for Everyone !!!

    I'll pass