
Recent content by Jim Diamantoni

  1. Jim Diamantoni

    NOW they question how their taxes are spent

    LOL The Hollywood elite didn't care until it backfired and they were hit with the devastating consequences.
  2. Jim Diamantoni

    Jeep Wrangler 2025

    $100k for a Jeep? Seriously?? I'll stick with GMC. A Sierra 2500HD Denali Duramax works very well for me and has a ton of room. The ride at 80 mph is smooth. Torque is almost off the chart too.
  3. Jim Diamantoni

    Life Changer

    I wonder if they have a model with 1.5" Ti spikes in it for a more lasting lesson.
  4. Jim Diamantoni

    Someone tried to shoot Trump

    Starting at the top! SS,DOJ and Joey need to be gone now.
  5. Jim Diamantoni

    The 20 Gauge for Defense

    I have a retired state police 870 with a LED light in the forend that holds 6+1 and a side saddle shell holder. The Federal LE 00 Buck with flight control wad shoots a tight pattern. Recoil really isn't bad.
  6. Jim Diamantoni

    Another Dodge PU bits the dust.

    That's gonna leave a mark
  7. Jim Diamantoni

    Caliber Closeup: A Look at 9mm Bullet Grain Weights

    Good read. I'm a fan of the Federal 147 gr HST.
  8. Jim Diamantoni

    Jacuzzi bathtub woman

    She has an affair with the show producer that resulted in their divorce. The guy remarried but they continued working the show.....for the money. We don't watch it anymore
  9. Jim Diamantoni

    Utah bill

    All teachers should be armed. In addition, State Police, endorced by state AG should make it a standard policy that any attempted mass shooting will result in the shooter being killed on site and the news media will show your lifeless body lying dead in your own pool of blood. Graphic yes, but...
  10. Jim Diamantoni

    Supreme Court Strikes Down Colorado Unconstitutional Action

    Now CO, ME and IL can pound sand.
  11. Jim Diamantoni

    Saint .308 Strikes again

    Great picture KF!
  12. Jim Diamantoni

    10 best caliber carbines

    My Marlin 1894 44 Rem Mag is 10+1 and makes for a decent HD carbine. It's also pretty rough on the local deer herd.
  13. Jim Diamantoni


    My wife has a Franchi Affinity 20 ga for turkey hunting. The receiver is drilled and tapped. Put a rail and red dot on it for her and she has smoked 3-4 toms with it. No sure what barrel lengths are available, you might need a gunsmith to cut it down. I think her barrel is 26".
  14. Jim Diamantoni


    Have you considered a 20 ga? It's more than adequate for home defense.
  15. Jim Diamantoni

    44 magnum

    I bet the porting keeps the muzzle jump down.