
Recent content by SimonRL

  1. SimonRL

    Isar Aerospace Spectrum launch

    How much does a private lair cost these days? I hear it’s one…bajillion…dollars.
  2. SimonRL

    Range Report: NGD, Shakedown Session w/Ronin, 3/28/25

    Yikes! 😳😳😳😳😳
  3. SimonRL

    Range Report: NGD, Shakedown Session w/Ronin, 3/28/25

    When are you going to be putting up posts on your new 226? The suspense is killing me!
  4. SimonRL

    Struggling with dots

    Here it is again. I’ve trained with this crew and they know what they’re talking about. I’m about to take a two day course with one of the instructors in a couple of weeks time. I have more dots than most people have had hot dinners and I practice all the time with them and acquiring the dot is...
  5. SimonRL

    Echelon gun cleaning

  6. SimonRL

    Echelon gun cleaning

    This does not happen with HKs though, they will run for tens of thousands of rounds through them no matter the condition without so much as a By Your Leave. This cannot be said for the Austrian neighbor to the south. In the VP9 owners manual they left the section on cleaning blank.
  7. SimonRL

    U.S. Senate Measure Would Modernize Outdated Suppressor Regulations

    You ever roped a cow? Don’t knock it until you’ve seen a 5 yr old roping his Dad’s feet as he walks. I was on a film set with a full scale model of the Mars lander where we hired the local cattle family as security to keep an eye on the lander at night. We would shoot until it got to dark and...
  8. SimonRL

    U.S. Senate Measure Would Modernize Outdated Suppressor Regulations

    Fixed that for you. In Texas you can do what you want and it doesn’t require having to know how to play a banjo. 🙄😜😝😳😁😎
  9. SimonRL

    Project Prodigy 2.0

    I’d keep all the parts and sell them out separately. Or keep them for a different build, they will get used, I’m sure.
  10. SimonRL

    Skinner Sights Continues to Impress

    I have a skinner peep site on my Henry Big Boy brass side gate and love it. I have a red fiber optic front site and can easily hit an 8in target at 100 yds.
  11. SimonRL

    Lifespan Calculator

    Everything has been one big nap since 1845 where you’ve been dreaming of us. Lucky you!
  12. SimonRL

    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Did I mention my USP Expert .45 showed up today? I bought it to keep my Mk 23 company. I’ll follow up when I get it to the range.
  13. SimonRL

    Boeing Wins F-47 Next Generation Air Dominance Fighter Contract

    There’s a reason that Boeing got pushed out of the tactical aircraft game - they couldn’t deliver. Let’s hope they do a better job than their commercial efforts.
  14. SimonRL

    Found my next buy…G36 .22

    The range near me just brought a Tommy built G-36 for the rental counter. I’d love to see HK offer a G-36. Fingers crossed!