
Recent content by Tacticalbubba

  1. T

    The Gray Ghost: My 200K-Round XD-M Elite

    I have carried, and competed with an Xd-M since 08. Stepped up to an elite about the same time as you. Nowhere near your yearly round count...but ,I'm wondering, what Lil parts did you eventually wear out? Would like to have a heads up,so I can maybe put a few "LIKELY SUSPECTS " in reserve.
  2. T

    XD 9mm

    I gave up on the brass punch after one wack, went to the toolbox and found a big steel punch. Ground it to nearly fit the whole sight groove. The new sight went in a bit easier than the old came out.
  3. T

    XD 9mm

    I've replaced a bunch of factory sights on xdm pistols with tritium night sights. Yes, they are a bear!!! No mortal sight pusher stands a chance. Super tight tolerance. My proven method is old school, barbaric. Wrap weapon in heavy leather, put it in a gooood bench vise. Pick out a quality...
  4. T

    Does your edc have a wml?

    EDC, no ,but I carry a pocket light. The nightstand gun is fitted with a wml. I've had the good fortune to participate in a number of night matches at my local club. Believe me it's a whole new ballgame !!! I'm a believer in, better to have and not need ,than need and not have. Add the ability...
  5. T

    Don’t Make These Weaponlight Mistakes!

    Great article, good read. Have put in my time at the local gun club, bringing in tactical twogun matches, helping to get our 3GN affiliation, etc. Has paid off, in that we have been able to run night matches for a few years. Running a 4 hour match, with multiple coarses of fire, hundreds of...