
Recent content by youngolddude

  1. youngolddude

    What are you doing right now??

    Prayers up for you Bassbob. Soon to go set up steel for Saturday. I took some Tylenol in advance.
  2. youngolddude

    Feeling nostalgic

    When I was a kid, there was no inside seating in McDonalds. We sat in the car and ate our meal in our '53 Chevy.
  3. youngolddude

    Feeling nostalgic

    I used to get .22 long rifle ammo at the gas station for $.49/50. I asked online for price of similar and yikes!
  4. youngolddude

    Round count

  5. youngolddude

    What are you doing right now??

    Replaced a broken primer advance arm. It gave me a chance to try to center the shellplate a bit better. Much better. Watching horse racing now, perhaps a nap.
  6. youngolddude

    "The Curse of Glock" or "Why I Have Moved on, but Cannot Fully Sever that Relationship"

    Instead of buying a Glock and then changing a bunch of things, why not buy a Shadow Systems gun which some writers call the best premium clone? I have no interest in Glocks and understand some of you do, but the SS guns give you various upgrades depending on price right from the factory. Just a...
  7. youngolddude

    Daffy Zone…..

    I'm more Farticus Maximus.
  8. youngolddude

    "The Curse of Glock" or "Why I Have Moved on, but Cannot Fully Sever that Relationship"

    I don't care for Glocks, but everyone has different tastes. I have a handful of strikers, but have gone old school, picking up several HP clones, CZ 75s and 1911s.
  9. youngolddude

    What are you doing right now??

    Started Longmire again last night. Spent the morning fixing the 650 and readjusting the dies. It's very close, but I don't have the primer adjustment tool. My back is talking to me after so much bending and quit for lunch.
  10. youngolddude

    Ammunition Market Crash 2025 - Why Ammo Prices Will Drop Drastically This Year

    It's still good. I have some discontinued WSL probably older than that and it works fine. I have to look at older reloading manuals and the current burn charts no longer list it.
  11. youngolddude

    What are you doing right now??

    Some places are better at ordering for upcoming sales than others. It is annoying when sale items are non-existing. This includes online and big box stores that sell guns and related items. Why have something listed that they don't have? I tend hold grudges and wonder why they intentionally ****...
  12. youngolddude

    Ammunition Market Crash 2025 - Why Ammo Prices Will Drop Drastically This Year

    I used Titegroup for a while, but it is kinda smoky. It is efficient for the load you want. When I needed more, it was out of stock and bought 231 instead. I have a can of Winchester Super Lite, but 231 works for more loads I use.
  13. youngolddude

    Daffy Zone…..

    Just found out today is National Napping Day. I thought OldMe would appreciate this more than anyone.
  14. youngolddude

    What are you doing right now??

    I was prepared to replace a redbud tree yesterday and looked at it closely. Changed my mind. I cut several of the dead multi-trunks out and straightened the remaining trunk and fertilized. Planted the new pomegranate in another location and added drip lines. We're going to Lowes to get some fake...
  15. youngolddude

    New cleaning mat.

    When I traded for the new in box CZ, the LGS owner threw in a (wait for it) CZ cleaning mat.