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  1. Marek71

    Happy Cinco de Mayo in Chicago-not so much

    Big surprise there, I just don't understand all the unspecified gun charges they're talking about Chicago has very strict gun control which makes these guns illegal. So how can they be on the streets? 🤔
  2. Marek71

    What are you doing right now??

    Just loaded the guns into the truck to head out to a Buddy's house in northern WI for a weekend of shooting and drinking beers. Hopefully in that order :)
  3. Marek71

    5 Reasons Why a Springfield Hellcat Should Be Your First Handgun

    Try a hoag grip sleeve for the gun it still makes it tacky and easy to hold onto without the sandpaper feeling and adds a little bit of a palm swell which I personally like because the guns a little thin for me.
  4. Marek71

    A Movie they couldn't make anymore since...

    I would like to a see an "All in the Family" reboot, that should stir things up a bit :love:
  5. Marek71

    Best Light for Hellcat Pro

    I like the 7A but most holsters are made for the Sub. The 7A is nice because it fits the Pro and my other full size guns pretty well.
  6. Marek71

    prank time 1

    Plus those little guys can be mean. Pretty soon they will be doing smash and grabs at the local PetSmart.
  7. Marek71

    Revolver or semi automatic

    Mine would be my G19, big enough to shoot comfortably but yet not too big to conceal. The perfect multitasker in my opinion.
  8. Marek71

    Revolver or semi automatic

    Probably the one you train with the most. If your used to the trigger pull of a semiauto good luck on hitting something with the 12lbs. S&W revolver trigger with out practice.
  9. Marek71

    Ammo left in your bag

    So he got caught with the ammo when he was trying to get back home? Nice job on the departing airport's TSA agents to find the rounds.
  10. Marek71

    My granddaughter goes to work with dad

    Being Police in that city probably keeps him pretty busy.
  11. Marek71

    Gun Safes

    If you have a Tracker Supply close they also have nice fire rated safes at good prices.
  12. Marek71

    NY man sets himself on fire.

    More Democrats should set themselves on fire to prove their point. That will show us.
  13. Marek71

    Ammo, online prices

    Try true shot gun club, they run shipping specials every once in a while. If it's your first order you can use code freeship or shipfree, not sure which one it was but they gave me free shipping on my first order and the prices are also good. So if your a 1st timer there stock up and use the...
  14. Marek71

    Newsom Will Probably Move To Canada

    Hopefully he takes Pritzker with him.
  15. Marek71

    81 year old vet carjacked

    15 year old kid carjacked him. Just like when they have these flash mobs of kids in downtown Chicago causing chaos at 11:00 at night. Parents need to start parenting and keep tabs on their kids and show them that there are consequences to their actions.
  16. Marek71

    remember John wayne Bobbitt..??

    Maybe either way his penis would be coming off now so she might of saved him some money on another surgery 😄
  17. Marek71

    Dance Crew Takes a Stand After 'Triggered' Leftists

    If the American Flag offends you fee free to leave, the open border works both ways.
  18. Marek71


    I think I am going to establish residency in Mexico then walk across to Arizona and enjoy the benefits and good life. No need to worry about a job, health insurance, or saving for retirement. It will all be provided for free. I just won't go yet because if Trump is back in office I don't want...
  19. Marek71

    Whatcha Watching?

    Vikings was added to Netflix so I'm binging the entire show. I watched part of it back in the day when it was on History channel but I never completed all the seasons. It's a great show.
  20. Marek71

    It's National Pet Day

    These are my guys, Soldier and Heidi. They definitely keep me busy.