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  1. AmbGun

    Plate Carrier Set-Up 101: Duty vs. Civilian

    Great free, online emergency trauma response training at Mountain Man Medical. https://www.mountainmanmedical.com/trauma-medicine-training/?aid=69
  2. AmbGun

    Using a Vehicle for Cover in a Gunfight

    And become fully ambidextrous for "optimal use of cover"....can be learned in about 10 days. "How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter" 7 video playlist. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVlCoEE1rzM4PGhm-vNuo_ca8rduMjtIK
  3. AmbGun

    Picking Up Chicks! 😜

    We did chickens years ago and quickly became an orange yolk egg snob. When we got our peeps, I hadn't anticipated the wifely zoning standards for chicken coop construction...
  4. AmbGun

    Springfield Armory’s FIRSTLINE: Discount Program for First Responders

    Abner Miranda - Tier1Citizen makes a similar point.
  5. AmbGun

    Springfield Armory’s FIRSTLINE: Discount Program for First Responders

    Given the vaccine and "extremist" purge of many Firstliners, I hope that part of the qualification is a pledge to enforce the Bill of Rights...or, at least, a promise to not violate them. Decades past, we could assume a certain loyalty to American principles. I fear there is a trend toward a...
  6. AmbGun


    The MantisX10 Elite is a huge dry fire force multiplier. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVlCoEE1rzM7HAkuUOAd2MSluxJ2CGD77
  7. AmbGun

    What Is Eye Relief? How To Avoid Scope Bite

    Scope positioned for a turkey neck cheek weld is THE key to avoiding scope bite.
  8. AmbGun

    My 10mm vs. a Mountain Lion

    A world record Grizzly (at the time) was killed by a woman with a 22. I think it's still on display at a southwest WY I-80 rest area. A good video on bear.
  9. AmbGun

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    With the G-wrap retention technique, you are most definitely generating a "malf".
  10. AmbGun

    Bridget’s Off-Grid Bianchi Remedy Holster Review

    A photo worthy of renaissance sculpture.
  11. AmbGun

    Shield RMSc Review: Improve Your Hellcat’s Reflexes

    And Shield Sights means no kinetic "gain of function" collusion with CCP.
  12. AmbGun

    Does Trigger Control Matter for Self-Defense?

    MantisX10 Elite has to be the best training aid ever...great for comparing your performance on different pistols. Combine with a training laser. Details and links in my video (one of many) on the the product. I've used it to measure the effectiveness of muzzle devices, to compare rifles in high...
  13. AmbGun

    Skirmishing with Airsoft?

    In force on force skirmishing, like paintball, you'll quickly learn the importance of ambidextrous "optimal use of cover".
  14. AmbGun

    How Do I Carry Spare Ammo for My Hellcat? Specialized Mag Pouches

    I rarely carry an extra mag. I tend to prefer any additional bulk/weight allocation go to first aid trauma/bleeder kit. But I think I need to get one of these and others mentioned in the comments to try out. Thanks for the article.
  15. AmbGun

    Does Trigger Control Matter for Self-Defense?

    When the targets are moving and shooting back at most self defense ranges, I favor the Rex Applegate convulsive grip firing technique...more consistent with the physiological effects of facing a lethal threat. I think this has some similarities to Rob Leatham's very fast technique.
  16. AmbGun

    Mastering the Rifle Sling: Defeating Sling Bind

    On my AR's I like the old school, canvas GI sling more for use as a shooter's aid rather than carry (like what we teach at Project Appleseed). For my RDB (and presumably the Hellion), I like the MagPul MS3 setup with a sailboat-like "traveler" on the rear to prevent hangups when transition LH to...
  17. AmbGun

    Original or RDP: Which One Do You Need?

    I think the RDP is the most versatile Hellcat.
  18. AmbGun

    Should I Run My Hellcat Without an Optic?

    I think learning point/instinctive shooting first really helps with making pistol red dot sights work.
  19. AmbGun

    Hillsdale College & the Second Amendment

    And their first Appleseed was held in my home town, Worland, WY.
  20. AmbGun

    Handheld or Weapon-Mounted Light: What You Need To Know

    Given the probability that that bump in the night is a friendly, I am willing to accept some added degradation in gunfighting posture to make sure I'm not risking a family member. I prefer handheld lights because of daily use because I know their status and can light up a "threat" without...