
Search results

  1. C

    Show off your 1911

    Ginge above put it very well. Getting your hands on some at various local shops would be my first suggestion. Of the springfields I've owned and used they've all functioned properly when maintained properly 100% of the time. But don't expect every firearm to function perfectly everytime there's...
  2. C

    How often to the range and how many rounds?

    2-3 times a month. Working through various progressions, firearms e.t.c. In turn the round count can wildly vary. This being on my own while with training buddies it's a whole different animal.
  3. C

    Is range time therapeutic?

    That is awesome! I'll be acquiring some of those for range time with my lil minion nieces and nephews. They'll absolutely love the challenge. Side note a fun challenge we play is the youngsters get rifles with optics and adults get pistols with irons. Kick the targets out where its...
  4. C

    Let's see your AR setups...

    Long range fun:cool:
  5. C

    1911 Caliber Choice

    I very much agree with you my friend. Hence the 9mm G45 and trp in 45acp
  6. C

    Show off your 1911

    Love this lil guy 😎