I noticed issues with their mission in the nineties following Ruby Ridge and Waco and if not for 911, not sure what their status would be today. They clearly aren't focusing on tobacco or alcohol as they adopt questionable approaches to their oath to the Constitution. They have a place for...
The .45 ACP has been my traditional carry from my days in the Military through a career in LE. My first was the Colt 1911 for watch and security duty. I have to say along with the M-14 sometimes and that is well into Boomer territory. In LE, it was the S&W 645 followed by the Sig 220 and...
Great short on the M-1 Carbine of which I admired as a Kid, but didn't own till in my thirties. Traded for it with a Ruger Bull-barrel pistol and actually carried for a few years as a Patrol Rifle with a mid-sized LE Agency enlieu of the issued 9mm Camp Rifle. Never sure of what I had, other...
Great example for others to learn from as I too had that moment of clarity within the first year as well. Mine was the Low-Slung swivel holster of the day, prior to the safety holsters all LE should wear. In addition, I had been trained with the Lamb Method for use of a baton that places the...
Agree with the Bull-Pup based on the direction of the ATF on pistol braces and gave pause to going that way as I really didn't want to deal with the SBR hassle and questions over State Lines. That said, I had already acquired the X-95 Tavor for wanting a 300 BLK for home defense. Went with the...
LOL. Who knew that a lightweight Prius had armored doors... Being one that found his Agency's gunfights involved vehicles half the time, nice to know...
Great plan, but sometimes you have to deal with "issued" ammo on duty... But, I do that with personal home defense to include a mag of green tip and maybe a tracer or two for the AR and FMJ in 45 ACP for the pistol for such occasions.
Well another reason I carried a .45 ACP as a Law Enforcement when they said I couldn't use a .357 mag any more. All said, I have seen several gunfights with 9mm with few rounds penetrating the autos being used for cover. One with over 50 rounds exchanged between combatants... I do carry a 9mm...
Been there in my first year in LE and was a life changing experience as I quit smoking that day... Oh the perp that got his hand on my .357 Magnum, in a low slug quick draw holster had to get an attitude adjustment from a Dodge Bumper with my free hand. He let go of the pistol. The take away...