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  1. gglass

    Show off your Every Day Carry!

    Sorry, I just noticed this request... The M&P Compact is a .40 S&W. I have owned Shields of each generation and every caliber, but I have now settled on the M&P40 Compact as my primary EDC. I love for it's handling characteristics, power factor and accuracy. I've also found that with my body...
  2. gglass

    Let's see your AR setups...

    Recce baby! 13.7" SoL barrel with a pinned & welded WarComp muzzle device to reach the requisite 16.1" legal minimum. The only piece missing is the 1-8 LPVO glass on top... Once I decide which one of course.
  3. gglass

    Can You Threat-Focus Shoot?

    How else would you know it's the bad guy? 😜
  4. gglass


    I'd rather use my Winchester 1892 in .44 Mag for whitetail than a bolt or semi auto... It just feels right.
  5. gglass

    Zeroing 7.5” AR15 pistol

    My favorite has been the 36 yard zero for an AR platform. Without going into a lot of detail, just trust me that it gives you the smallest cluster of impact points for all the distances that your short barrel is likely to engage. Here is the 25 yard target that gives a 36 yard zero...
  6. gglass

    Can You Threat-Focus Shoot?

    I believe that threat focus shooting is an essential skill set to develop. Psychologically it does induce a degree focus and stress that just isn't present with any other target shooting. It is also one of my favorite skills to hone. Billymac, the answer is, "yes".
  7. gglass


    Your story is a Xerox copy of my AR pistol experience. My solution was to change to a B5 stock and a 13.7" barrel with a pin&welded Warcomp, which gives me a rifle length 16.2" barrel. Now I have a RECCE rifle that is only 3" longer than the pistol. Born as a 10.5" Pistol with a Brace: Reborn...
  8. gglass

    Ammunition shortage winding down soon?

    The last lead smelter in the US closed shop during the Obama administration. They did so due to the fact that O's EPA kept slapping them with more and more burdensome regulations, that basically made it impossible to operate with a profit. It is my understanding that the US now gets most of its...
  9. gglass

    Ammunition shortage winding down soon?

    I'm sorry to say it, but ammo shortages are not winding down, but rather gearing up. we will not be out from under the current manufacturing backlogs before the Biden/Harris EO's and legislation start to roll out of the White House. The new administration has already stated that a first order of...
  10. gglass

    Hellcat issue

    When using the same grip style as a larger handgun, it is common to have a thumb that rides against the slide during recoil, which slows it down. It is also common to hit the slide release during recoil, which may not be noticeable, but it will send the slide forward after the last round. In...
  11. gglass

    defense ammo

    My Go-To's: Winchester Ranger-T Speer Gold Dot Federal HST
  12. gglass

    XD-M Elite 5.25: The Best Competition-Ready 9mm?

    Almost all my gripes were with the trigger... The weight of course, over-travel and reset. With both of the 1st gen XDm 5.25 competition pistols, what I got were triggers that were lacking in these aspects, and found that many of the standard XDm pistols had better triggers than the...
  13. gglass

    XD-M Elite 5.25: The Best Competition-Ready 9mm?

    After having owned two of the 1st gen XDm 5.25 pistols, and selling them, I decided to take the plunge again when the XDm Elite came to market and I'm sure glad I did. Not that there was anything spectacularly wrong with the 1st Gen XDm's that I owned, it just comes down to the fact that any...
  14. gglass

    How many Glock's in your firearms collection,what are they?

    I used to own two, but after an intensive 12-step deprogramming regimen in 2007, I am happy to report that I own zero Glocks today.
  15. gglass

    Instance Justifying Carrying a Handgun

    What is this justification you speak of? Since I carry from the time my pants go on to the time I take them off for bed, my sidearm is with me... Justified or not.
  16. gglass

    Let's see your AR setups...

    Two High-Cap Pistols!
  17. gglass

    Practice Distance

    That is some darn good shooting Detonics. I do some long range practice myself, but at nowhere near your cadence... Speed is my Achilles heel.
  18. gglass

    Practice Distance

    Thanks for the compliment.
  19. gglass

    Practice Distance

    I don't do many videos, because I'm not very good at them, but here is a short video of an M&P40 at 25-yards. I shot this video while shooting with my daughter, since we were the only people on the range that day. Not my absolute best group, but not too shabby either.
  20. gglass

    Practice Distance

    by off hand, I simply mean standing unsupported. In these cases, I also mean 2-handed... I have never been all that good at 1-handed shooting, strong side or not. The only correction to the claims in the pics would be the 1st picture at 20 yards should read as 10 shots... Not 15. In the...