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  1. J

    strip clips should be on more guns

    typed in Broomhandle Mauser. saw a youtube video. pretty cool. never saw that before
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    strip clips should be on more guns

    Hi , I am still waiting for the ny gun ban to end so I can pick up my M1A at the store. I have been wacthing videos on the M1a and love the short 15 second video of loading the gun using a strip clip. I had gun with them before that were wall hangers and never shot them more that once. I am...
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    I had a talking parrot but it starved to death because it didn't say it was hungry
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    Ahmaud Arbery Shooting

    It is always bad when someone kills someone. I felt horrible when i saw the dominican kid in the bronx ny on TV by dominican gang, you guys probably saw it on TV also. The day after Amahaud was killed by a white guy two 85 year old husband and wife white couple were killed in National cemetery...
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    Welcome Message

    i used to collect model trains and and read train magazines. saw a long train in PA loaded with abaram a1a tanks. real cool
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    7.62 NATO vs .308 Winchester: What’s the Difference

    My sako coltsman in 308 is the most accurate gun i have ever shot. got a bullet drop compensator scope by leopold on it and it is amazing, . I bought the m1a because of rapid fire capability and the quality of workmanship . Plus sooner or later they will outlaw them in ny, the ar-15 already...
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    7.62 NATO vs .308 Winchester: What’s the Difference

    To be honest when i shoot, and i dont often enough but i haven written down my scores by bullet brand,. i have noticed that cci bulets have always givin me my best scores but when i can get remmington by the bucket of like 1400 for 100$ i am also happy. 22 is the bullet i shoot most and use a...
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    7.62 NATO vs .308 Winchester: What’s the Difference

    I also had questions about 7.62 vs 308. I have a 308 sako and shoot either. i have read alittle online about it and they say there is no reason to worry about whicth one to buy and both are safe to shoot. I just bought the m1a in walnut and am waiting for delivery. all my guns have alaways been...
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    Do you remember this.......

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    Do you remember this.......

    how about this...
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    That looks like a cool video . I book marked it and look forward to seeing is. Thanks, Jimmy
  12. J

    NY has banned gun sales

    Ny has banned gun sales and is being sued by the NRA. The Democrates in NY set a court hearing for sometime in June so it looks like I might not be getting the M1A I ordered for quite sometime.
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    Cool mod for an M1 Garand

    Funny but to get the picture somebody had to really do it
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    China Is Using Fentanyl as ‘Chemical Warfare,’ Experts Say

    I get the Epoch Times, great paper. I think they mail it all over the country. Food section is good also
  15. J

    M1a in .308 - 168 gr or 175 gr

    Thanks for writing back. I am going to read here and online as much as I can. I am also going to look for youtube videos I can watch. If I can watch it being done and then read about it I understand a lot more.
  16. J

    good shooting range in Vermont?

    Near a casino would be great. didnt see a casino in Vermont but a casino in Keene nh and a good shooting range. Any other ideas?
  17. J

    good shooting range in Vermont?

    Hi, my name is jimmy and I am new here. I am going to take a trip to Vermont when the virus is over with and am looking to go to a range with my new M1a loaded in walnut. I have looked online and saw some but am not sure of any information on cost, how nice they are or if they are members only...
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    M1a in .308 - 168 gr or 175 gr

    I think that is a good idea. I can get a spiral notebook at the store for that. My biggest decision to make is weather or not to put a scope on it. I have a 3x9 leupold firedot scope with elevation lines in it and I will be receiving a free scope mount from Springfield armory. I cant decide...
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    M1a in .308 - 168 gr or 175 gr

    I have gone deer hunting upstate Ny but want to start going to vt,nh and Maine once in awhile. When this virus is over with I am planning a trip to either Vt or Nh to a B@B where there are less people than a hotel. I am looking up shooting ranges in VT for the trip. Them main reason I would look...
  20. J

    M1a in .308 - 168 gr or 175 gr

    Hi. Since I just bought the gun I was going online to read what I can find about it. I was on sights reading about reloading but I never did it but I am going to save all my brass when I shoot and leave them in a bag so if I do decide to reload one day I have them. What I am looking for.... Just...