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  1. DocTin

    Forum Rules

    As It Shoud Be. THANK YOU for the invitation and membership, Honored
  2. DocTin

    Win a Hellcat Pistol!

    Hopeful. I need one so I can retire my under powered and only seven (7) round Walter PPK/S. A great handgun, lacks accuracy at a distance of over 65 ft, and I get slide bite on the web of my hand. I use it for my church protection ans security sidearm, due to its size and concelability. The...
  3. DocTin

    Welcome Message

    Thrilled to be a member of this group. Especially since Springfield Armory makes and markets outstanding weapons. I, like many of you researched weapons, read reviews and tried out various gun manufacturers before buying your Springfield. I had my particular specifications, needs and fit...