If you spend a lot of time in the boonies old school bushing is best. Maintenance in the field must be simple and fast. Been walking all day on a hunt or field trip and when you make camp you really want to eat and sleep so cleaning the firearms and blades must be stress free and fast.
This may sound crazy to some but I would place a claymore right in front of my position if we where in a static location as the last hurrah if I (we) where over run, that way I could take a few of the commie turds with me when I left the planet.
We where in Morocco training a Moroccain Airborne unit and had a flat bed trailer loaded with LAW for live fire exercises. We also had a a ton of RPGs'. Needless to say we fired all of it up while comparing the RPG to the LAW. The biggest discovery was in high winds the RPG climbed into the wind...
Was in a place called Dak To in 67' and an A1 came in shot up and crash landed on the PSP runway there. We rushed to A/C as soon as it stopped and and rested on its' nose. The guys closest pulled the wounded pilot out and we all backed off waiting for it to cook off. It didn't and sat there tail...