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  1. Elfego Baca

    A good BHP kydex holster

    I ordered a DeSantis Slim Tuk IWB holster. I'll see if it works for me.
  2. Elfego Baca

    A good BHP kydex holster

    My SA35 fits my old 1911 Bianchi Speed Scabbard. The dilemma is the magazine release stick out like a sore thumb. Unintential release is a challenge!
  3. Elfego Baca

    A good BHP kydex holster

    Being left handed most holsters I've seen or had do not prevent the magazine release from being pushed unintentially!
  4. Elfego Baca

    SA-35 Accuracy

    I purchased a SA35 when they retailed for $699. Found one for $650. I am not one to shoot factory ammo. After some trail and error I made a handload(2) using my cast bullets(2) that function reliably. Being left handed I added a ambidextrous safety. Shooting offhand at 100 yards I can get more...
  5. Elfego Baca

    Range Report 11/15/23

    This week our range closed until mid-April 2024. Snow levels above your crotch collects here! I brought out my old Marlin in 25/36m. The best handloads were with 75 grain jacketed bullets. Made mostly hits shooting offhand at the 12" square plate at 100 yards. My 128 grain cast bullet ha...
  6. Elfego Baca

    New Research on Hunting with AR-Platform Rifles

    My last deer I got a few years ago was with my Stag Arms AR in 6.8 SPC. My grandson Jordan's first deer was a Ruger 358 Winchester bolt action rifle!
  7. Elfego Baca

    Looking for standard small pistol primers

    The Real challenge for me is finding large rifle primers!
  8. Elfego Baca

    Illinois: Holy Star Wars!!! Light Sabers are Now on the Banned List

    There is not much sanity in humanity!
  9. Elfego Baca

    really nice range day this afternoon

    A good read!
  10. Elfego Baca

    really nice range day this afternoon

    It was a 30⁰F day at our Sandpoint Range, ID
  11. Elfego Baca

    New SA-35

    I've had my SA-35 for a couple of years and have shot it often. Today at the range I had fired a Prodigy for the first time. I thought it has a better trigger!
  12. Elfego Baca


    Illinois governors don't have a reputation worthy of the office!
  13. Elfego Baca

    I feel like I'm in New Mexico

    If all the gun legislation solves the crime problem the politicians should use the same standards for voter registration so we have 'honest' elections!
  14. Elfego Baca

    I feel like I'm in New Mexico

    Some states,areas, and politicians treat our constitution as a rag.
  15. Elfego Baca

    they (NRA) finally get involved

    Then we have Biden and crew a much more serious 'charade'!
  16. Elfego Baca

    Model 1888 Springfield Trapdoor

    While participating in the Matthew Quigley Shoot at Foresyth Montana Father Day weekend I ha a young slender gal next to me shooting a Springfield Trapdoor. I was proud to see her participate shooting the rifle from cross sticks.
  17. Elfego Baca

    they (NRA) finally get involved

    Most of us have the opportunity to 'speak' from both ends. Where we put our efforts matters! We complain but what can we do? We have a cowshit artist for President. He is more worthy of our scorn than Wayne. Why is he still our 'President'?
  18. Elfego Baca

    they (NRA) finally get involved

    A Dillon Square Deal or Dillon 550 should work well!
  19. Elfego Baca

    i think i passed a kidney stone earlier

    In the summer of 67 I had my 'first' to my knowledge painful kidney stone incident. I went to the local hospital and they said they were closed. They eventually let me in. I never noticed any pain when the stone left! Since then I had them every 3 to five years. The last significant one only...