I had never even seen a Tokarev before this article, so I definitely learned a lot from this article. I did not know there were pistols with the feed lips for the mag built into the frame!
Mechanical. No question. I had an old electronic handgun safe "die" on me and I had to use a hacksaw on the hinges to get my gun out. Never want to do that again........
I have not dealt with that yet, but I would think maybe an air gun would be a good place to start? You could shoot some in your own basement to start out? Then you could progress to a .22? I would not start out of the gate with an S&W500 or something, that's for sure....
I don't know about you all, but I have a weakness for .38 Super — the .357 mag for autos in the 1920s. Great round with a lot of history behind it. What do you all think?
I've run some of the Hornady Critical Duty out of a full size M&P9 pistol and was very happy with it. Accurate, good velocity, and I think it would do well against a threat. They make great ammo (but so does Federal, for that matter).
I know we've all talked about defending against human threats, and also about threats like bears or wolves in the woods. But what about everyday four-legged threats like dogs? Is you CCW up to a rabid dog attack, or is it not worth worrying about? I'm not sure I'd want to go below a 9mm for...
Two stores that were local to me shut down in the last two years. However, they were newer ones that popped up in the last five years. We still have two other shops that have been here for longer than I can remember.
Anybody own any cool Springfields from the 80s and 90s, like their SAR3 (G3), SAR48 (FAL), BM59, etc? I remember reading their catalogs back then and wishing I had the money for one!
That would be awesome! If you had a true sidefolder on the M1A with the SOCOM16 barrel, you would have a .308 a ton shorter than a .308 AR like the Victor. I think the M1A Tanker with a BM59-style folder on it would be REALLY cool! I think Springfield used to sell BM59 rifles back in the 80s?