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  1. W

    Can a SOCOM 16 Stop a Bear Attack?

    Addendum to my prior comment: While I have never fired a M1A I went thru Army basic training with an M-14 qualifying as expert, scoring 2nd highest in the company. I also carried one in Vietnam as part of an artillery unit. The M1A is a fine rifle and I wish I had one as companion to my three...
  2. W

    Can a SOCOM 16 Stop a Bear Attack?

    Having lived in Alaska for 37yrs. (1973-2010) I have seen everything from a .327 Federal Mag to a .458 Win. Mag carried as bear protection. Larry Kelly of Mag-Na-Port fame pretty well proved that a .44 Rem. Mag. with 300+ grain hard cast semi-wadcutters will do the job. I am not aware of...