
Search results

  1. tapehoser

    10mm vs 45 ACP: Which Auto Is Best?

    Ballistically, the 357 is gonna pack a bigger punch than either 10mm or a 45 ACP. However, is that power really necessary for ANY threat and is 6 cartridges enough? For me, I carry the 10mm because of many reasons, established over many years of carrying and shooting many different pistols and...
  2. tapehoser

    Any bet takers?

    OK. So you've shared a lot of information on this thread regarding the military capabilities of other nations. Do you have some sources that we can look at that support your statements? I realize my post is just my opinion, but I'd like to know if you're speaking from a position of authority and...
  3. tapehoser

    December 7, 1941

    Went to Pearl Harbor just last week. I came away somber and angry.
  4. tapehoser

    Any bet takers?

    I've said this before and I'll say it again, I think the world dictators are all working together. They will strive to initiate war on so many fronts, that it will divide the American military in enough conflicts that it will weaken us at home, opening us up for an attack here on the mainland...
  5. tapehoser

    Who Has the Guns?

    Surprising results, but I am also thinking those numbers are off for my state. I know SO many gun guys who own DOZENS of guns. But I'm OK with the numbers being off. Besides, I lost all my guns in that boating accident last year.
  6. tapehoser

    When it comes down to it, what is your "go to" EDC?

    Depends on the weather, how I feel, and where I'm going. Am I carrying in an OWB holster with a shirt covering things? Am I concealing in an IWB or more deeply, like for church? Totally depends and changes daily, but the choices are only 2 separate pistols. Generally... Hot summer day...
  7. tapehoser

    Do you remember ?

    Holy crap, I had forgotten all about this stuff. It was AMAZING!!!!
  8. tapehoser

    Do you remember ?

    "In Technicolor!" I remember saying, in high school, when someone would vomit, we called it the "Technicolor Yawn." :ROFLMAO:
  9. tapehoser

    Potent Potables (aka What’s your poison?)

    Pepsi Zero with a shot of sugar free vanilla flavoring. But Full Throttle is also delightful.
  10. tapehoser

    What’s your Favorite Reloading Press?

    I sold an RCBS Ammomaster about 15 years ago for $100 when I was poor. Regret that decision. Currently own and use another RCBS. While I would love to have a progressive press, I feel it would be too stressful for me. I like the slow, methodical way of a single-stage press. I slow down, and...
  11. tapehoser

    10mm anyone

    I initially purchased a Springfield XD45 when they came out. Loved it. Packed a punch. I eventually started liking the 10mm because I reload and can kick it up a notch from where manufacturers have to stop. So I have some really nice, hot rounds that I can take elk hunting if I wanted to. My...
  12. tapehoser

    To get the jab or not?

    Nope. Fool me once, yadda yadda.
  13. tapehoser

    Can a Kydex holster be reshaped?

    When I removed my Crimson Trace grips, I used my wife's hair dryer to reshape the plastic so the gun fit more tightly into the holster.
  14. tapehoser

    10mm anyone

    As a reloader and ballistics nut, I LOVE the 10mm. Carry one every day - Glock 29.
  15. tapehoser

    Worst shipper in the world

    FedEx has had the gall to tell me that my package was delivered (which it was NOT) only to have the thing show up 3 days later on my porch. I think they are reporting things as delivered for some internal/external audit purposes (to look good to someone) and then just delivering whenever the...
  16. tapehoser

    The Best Bear Defense Handguns of 2023

    I feel just fine with my Glock 29.
  17. tapehoser

    Spidey senses were tingling

    Couldn't agree more. My daily companion.
  18. tapehoser

    Spidey senses were tingling

    We should all read and evangelize a book called "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker. He calls it intuition; I call it the Holy Ghost. Same diff.
  19. tapehoser

    Why This Forum?

    I love guns. I love reloading. I love ballistics. Used to frequent the Guns and Ammo forum, but it sorta went Tango Uniform a while back.
  20. tapehoser

    Where Do You Keep Your Home Defense Gun at Night?

    Mine stays on my person from morning until night, then it's a few feet from the bed while I sleep, not in a safe, condition one, in its holster.