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  1. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    ^ what he said! I also thought 1911 triggers were black magic for years. Then I watched the video he is talking about. Then I adjusted the sear spring on my Rock Island 9mm double stack 1911. Took it from 5# to 3# 4 oz, with nothing but bending the sear spring tines, per that video. The only...
  2. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I don't doubt that that is possible. The point that the guy I met was making to me was that his 10mm (6" barrel) Glock shooting those XP or XD rounds was the only combo to RELIABLY drop them in one shot. I.e. where they stood. Consistently. Not just one time, with one hog and one perfect shot...
  3. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I specifically mentioned hog hunting because I met a guy at the range a few months ago. I could see that he had some serious skills. We got to talking and it turned out he is a USPSA Master. Also, he hunts hogs with a Glock 10mm. He said he'd try a variety of calibers and cartridges and the 10mm...
  4. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    Just curious, for you lot that want a 10mm version, what is your intended use for that? You going to hunt hogs with it? Are you thinking you'd actually use it for EDC? It doesn't have a real place in matches, like USPSA, etc., so presumably you're not wanting it for that. I feel like I have...
  5. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    That is not the Optic Ready version.
  6. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I also have a Canik Rival, which I have done a lot of trigger work to. When I measure it, if I want it to give me a 5-pull average of 1.75 #, I can. I can pull it quickly and with enough consistency to get a 5-pull average with that reading. But, when I do it correctly - i.e. the way that...
  7. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    When I raced motorcycles around a track, I didn't need a speedometer, either. But, I did need a stopwatch. Because even a bike that feels ridiculously fast is not necessarily actually fast. Wheeler said their gauge might not be accurate if you use it wrong - for example by pulling the trigger...
  8. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    That's what I figured. I think the numbers you are claiming for trigger pull weight are simply inaccurate. I can pull the trigger on my RIA 1911 (which is a 5# pull) quickly and also claim that it has a 2.5# trigger - if I want to claim a low number, rather than an accurate one. I emailed...
  9. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I have also noticed that if I pull it very slowly, I get higher readings, and if I pull it quickly, I get much lower readings. Thus why I am curious to actually see how you’re doing it to get a 3.5# average.
  10. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    Any chance you could do a short video to demonstrate how you are doing the pull using that gauge? I have the same gauge, but I'm really not positive I'm doing it right.
  11. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    That is a thing with some plates and some Holosun optics, too. You just have to file/grind down those front posts on the adapter plate. Very annoying, to be sure. But, it could be a lot worse...
  12. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    @Sol-Invictus it sounds like they just sent you the wrong plate.
  13. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    Thanks! I will look for that!
  14. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I finally got to shoot my RIA Tac Ultra FS HC yesterday. I put about 200 rounds through. 100 rounds of Igman 124gr FMJ, and then about 100 of remanufactured 115gr FMJ. The gun ran perfectly. Very accurate. Zero issues of any type. With the full length dust cover and rail and steel frame, it is...
  15. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    That is the Tac Pro, right? I got the Ultra. Didn't even know about the Pro when I ordered mine. Probably would have still got the Ultra for myself, though.
  16. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    Nice! Mine would have been delivered today if FedEx wasn't f**cking around...
  17. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    There are 2 on GB right now. Seller is the same one I just bought mine directly from.
  18. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I did a search on gun.deals and found one dealer that had one in stock. I bought it and now that dealer is showing OOS, like everyone else. https://gun.deals/search/apachesolr_search/51679
  19. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    Personally, I am happy to know about other options to get the "same thing". It's just like how I have a DW Guardian in 38 Super. I love a lightweight bobtail Commander. It was the most affordable pistol of that type that I knew of. I recently learned that Tisas was making the Bantam and...
  20. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    So, in other words, "if you don't have the money to buy both guns and do a test yourself, then shut up, Troll!"