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  1. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    It seems pretty clear from his posts that he doesn't have one - as you implied when you said this: Thus why he proposed that some with the time and money should do it. I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't have the time and money. I don't, either. But, I would definitely be very...
  2. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I think you have failed to read (or comprehend) everything he wrote.
  3. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    It looks to me like the Prodigy is reasonably available. Shooter's Choice, which is just down the street from me, has at least one Prodigy 4.25" in stock in the store right now (at MSRP). I've seen other places with them in stock recently, too. I don't see anywhere that has the RIA Tac Ultra FS...
  4. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I had never heard of the RIA Tac Ultra double stack. That looks pretty awesome. And at $899! But, I don't see any for sale anywhere. Are they available?
  5. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    I'm seeing PMC 115gr FMJ for $11/box also. That is if you buy 6 boxes. Dunno what shipping adds. https://www.bestowtraininggroup.com/products/pmc-741569070270-741569070270-300-5560
  6. S

    New developments in ammo?

    Are you saying that the difference between 6 and 12" is moot to the FBI? Or just to non-LE/non-military? Backing up to a higher level, I think the paper's information and conclusions all work together. Sure, in most "civilian" self-defense situations, if you hit the bad guy anywhere, he's...
  7. S

    New developments in ammo?

    I totally agree that stats on what percentage of HP bullets expand as intended are expected to be obsolete. I am dubious that the entire rest of the paper is obsolete. Further, I am inclined to believe that the conclusion that penetration is the most critical factor (based on a presumption that...
  8. S

    New developments in ammo?

    I totally agree. But, I also would not judge the FBI of the 80s by how the FBI of today acts.
  9. S

    New developments in ammo?

    If you know of something similar, but with newer info, I would love to read it. Seriously. And, no, and no. I mean, I would guess the '86 Miami shooting had something to do with it being written. No idea what they did afterwards.
  10. S

    New developments in ammo?

    What makes 9mm better? Nothing - well, except that you can probably achieve better shot placement on shots after the first. Other than that, the FBI white paper I linked addresses your concerns.
  11. S

    New developments in ammo?

    Gee. That sounds a lot like what the FBI white paper I linked said. If you don't hit the central nervous system, it doesn't really matter what you're shooting. You're not going to get immediate incapacitation. If you hit the heart, they could fight for another 10 - 15 seconds. If you don't hit...
  12. S

    First Look: Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 9mm

    $12.99 a box works out to 26 cents per round. You can get 9mm now (brass case, reman) for 21 - 22 cents per round. Under $11 a box! I just wish 38 Super and 45 would come back down like 9mm has. That said, I just ordered some 45 (230gr FMJ, brass reman) for $18 a box. Not terrible, compared...
  13. S

    New developments in ammo?

    You seem to be denying that fluid dynamics is real. That's fine, if you want. But, I went to engineering school and I know that it is real. Waterjet cutters are real. They work. Properly curved channels, propelled through a viscous fluid at high speeds can scoop fluid and redirect it out to the...
  14. S

    New developments in ammo?

    Also, that is kind of irrelevant. Obviously, if you don't hit your target, what bullet you shot does not matter at all (with regard to immediate incapacitation). In other words, this whole discussion is predicated on a presumption that you hit your target. Further, whether you are shooting a...
  15. S

    New developments in ammo?

    Do you train or recommend to shoot for High Center Mass? Or something else?
  16. S

    New developments in ammo?

    Also, since I gather you like ballistic gel tests, here's a 9mm XD round outperforming a Federal HST. More penetration and bigger permanent wound cavity. With and without heavy clothing barrier. And through a rack of ribs, then two layers of pork ribs plus 4 layers of denim. He also shoots it...
  17. S

    New developments in ammo?

    No. Only anecdotal info on them in hogs. Can we agree that a bullet in a hog is more "like" a bullet in a human than a bullet through "heavy clothing" into ballistic gel is "like" a bullet in a human? Also, you have not said anything about the FBI's statement that "it is essential to bear in...
  18. S

    New developments in ammo?

    I looked up some LG tests. It certainly does look like modern HP rounds perform more reliably in ballistic gel than what the FBI stats say about how they perform in a human target from 30+ years ago. I wonder how a test through "heavy clothing" and ballistic gel compares to real world...
  19. S

    New developments in ammo?

    Do you have data on that? Or is it just your gut feeling?
  20. S

    New developments in ammo?

    How quickly do you think major agencies react to new technology that comes on the market?!? How long were non-LE using red dots on EDC pistols before major agencies starting using them? The FBI says JHPs only work 60-70% of the time. Do you have info that says they are way better than that...