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  1. SubChaser

    Dawson Precision is awesome!

    I talked to a guy called Houston. He said that they are getting new machines shortly and will be able to do custom sights and fittings for most slides. I am supposed to call him back about mid November.
  2. SubChaser

    Dawson Precision is awesome!

    Bought a set of FO sights for my XD-S Mod2 OSP. Very nice, but the dovetail didn't fit. After a short email and phonecon, I am sending them back for a full refund, but a couple months down the road, they will be able to do custom sets and fitting. I'm in.
  3. SubChaser

    Old ammo disposal?

    Update: Talked with my local FFL who happens to work for the Sheriff. He was glad to get the stuff. He said that a couple of the boxes might be worth something. Whodathunkit?
  4. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    Right, because you know far more about it than the professionals who have made it their life's work.
  5. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    US law has it's basis in many sources, from British law, both codified and common and even the Iroquois Confederacy. Your confusion about patriotism is belied by the many Jewish, Muslim, Hindi, Native American, agnostic, atheist, Buhddist, Taoist and other American patriots who have fought and...
  6. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    If you decry those measures, then you fail to understand the application of that over-two-centuries-old amendment to a completely different social context than what existed when it was written.
  7. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    The Scriptures and the Constitution are two distinct and separate works. The very first Amendment makes that perfectly clear. Many conservatives tend to combine and/or confuse patriotism and religious zeal, when in fact they are two different issues. The Declaration post that you cite refers to...
  8. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    When a fact is troubling, marginalize it with confusion. True that many COVID deaths have co-morbidity factors, still those people would likely still be alive had they not contracted the disease.
  9. SubChaser

    Carry vs No Guns sign.

    US military bases have way more than their fair share of whacko "visitors" wanting desperately to make some noise, even if deadly. From that perspective, it doesn't seem so idiotic.
  10. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    So 740,000 more don't matter?
  11. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    Assuming that you refer to me. There are several others posting "playbook talking points" on this thread - just a different set of them. I am a lifelong responsible firearms owner and user, and I do indeed believe in common sense gun control - universal background checks for all firearms sales...
  12. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    According to the law, "unborn children" is an oxymoron, your own personal beliefs notwithstanding. In any case the rights of a female citizen outweigh those of a potential one.
  13. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    740,000 + deaths in the US. How many lives is your slight inconvenience worth?
  14. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    Exactly. Not trying to control women is a fine example.
  15. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    We are not talking about an "essential freedom" here, nor a "little temporary safety" of an individual. Over 704,000 deaths so far in the US. Nearly 44 million cases. And thanks. I haven't been called "young man" for decades.😎
  16. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    I see "CRT" taking live fire in several posts on this thread. The term is not seen in the media outside of the right-wing. CRT is not "revisionist history", but rather telling the whole truth
  17. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    Say "NO!" to what, precisely?
  18. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    Vaccination is an example of sacrificing a very tiny bit of freedom for the good of a whole country's population. It has nothing to do with respecting women's rights. I don't know who talked about sending political fanatics to re-education camps. It wasn't me. However, those convicted of violent...
  19. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    Sounds very "locked down" to me. Your post has disenfranchised virtually all non-Christian Americans as well as the significant numbers who respect a woman's right to control her own body. I submit that if God were to rain down punishment on the US, it would not be because of abortions or...
  20. SubChaser

    How to make the United States united again?

    Note to self: Reminder that discussion of politics and/or religion are a bad decision.