
Search results

  1. SubChaser

    What's Your EDC, PLEASE VOTE

    XD-S Mod 2 9mm. If I'll be wearing a jacket or coat all the time I'm out, sometimes a 4.25" 1911 .45 in a shoulder holster.
  2. SubChaser

    My next gun...

    If I were to see a Colt Defender or an EDP that didn't require a second mortgage, I might be tempted.
  3. SubChaser

    Biden’s Plan for the IRS Should Scare the Hell Out of Gun Owners

    I' m not likely to make any $10k purchases any time soon - firearms or otherwise.
  4. SubChaser

    Show off your Every Day Carry!

    Secondary - top, Primary - bottom. Not pictured, wife's Walther CCP M2 380.
  5. SubChaser

    Show off your Every Day Carry!

    I carry the same pistol in an Urban Carry lock-leather OWB.
  6. SubChaser

    Old ammo disposal?

    Nothing rare.
  7. SubChaser

    Old ammo disposal?

    Burning it is not an option.
  8. SubChaser

    Old ammo disposal?

    This stuff has been stored away for over 20 years. Most is for guns that I no longer own, and could not shoot now due to physical limitations. The rest is badly corroded. I would not want to be responsible for anyone being hurt or damaging their firearm(s).
  9. SubChaser

    Old ammo disposal?

    I have a few boxes of old, unshootable ammo in various calibers. We have a dumpster owned by the trash collection service we use, but the instructions list several prohibited items including ammo. I think my best option may be to dig a small hole and bury said rounds. Any other suggestions?
  10. SubChaser

    Carry vs No Guns sign.

    I'm confident that it is covered somewhere in the Ohio Revised Code, but it's late. If I have time tomorrow, I'll look it up.
  11. SubChaser

    Congress Just Snuck a Gun Confiscation Provision into Latest Military Spending Bill

    1) If a female member of my family was being stalked by a member of the armed forces and the MPs had probable cause, I would want the perp's weapons confiscated until he was acquitted. 2) When you enlist, you are governed by the UCMJ, above and beyond civilian law. Serving sailors, soldiers...
  12. SubChaser

    Biden Administration Asks the U.S. Supreme Court to Judicially Nullify the Right to Bear Arms

    "A Constitutional Convention would have to be convened to radically change that document, and any change will require 2/3rds of states to ratify it. They act like stupidity is a virtue." The stupidity (actually ignorance) is believing that there is an actual, serious threat, making such a story...
  13. SubChaser

    How Relationships Affect What Happens and What You Hear and Read

    ...and it doesn't stop at the aisle.
  14. SubChaser

    Carry vs No Guns sign.

    It's a bit different here in Ohio.
  15. SubChaser

    Carry vs No Guns sign.

    So you're out running errands with your edc. One of the places you need to go has a no weapons sign posted. What do you do?
  16. SubChaser

    Xds Mod 2 9mm OSP

    I bought one with the CT included. The mount is not a Pickatinny(sp?) rail. The CT base fits the pre-drilled and tapped slide.
  17. SubChaser

    Xds Mod 2 9mm OSP

    It takes a T-10.
  18. SubChaser

    9mm XDS mod 2 with CT 1500

    Mine came with the CT unmounted. I ran some mags without it, installed it and ran some more, then took it off. Have a set of fibers arriving from Dave Dawson any day now.
  19. SubChaser

    Show off your 1911

    My first-line home defense weapon. It started life as a Century Arms Phillipine import "Commodore" Commander clone. Machining was surprisingly accurate and tight. It now has many non-original parts - Trijicon 3-dot sights, Wilson Combat mag well and slide stop, Ed Brown mags w/ Chip McCormick...
  20. SubChaser

    Autumn and gunsmoke. Gotta love it.

    Autumn and gunsmoke. Gotta love it.