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  1. Funwithfuel

    The USMC Fieldcraft Book

    Thanks for posting the link.
  2. Funwithfuel

    Biden Calls on Congress to Pass Bump Stock Ban

    Post Bruen, the landscape has changed. 1791, on or about. Was there a similar law on the books at that time? Technology changes,the ammendment remains constant. There were no, none, Zero laws restricting firearm or weapon ownership. The revolution was sponsored by privately owned cannons and...
  3. Funwithfuel

    Absolutely stupid quiet - Diligent Enticer

    Huh? 38/357 incompatible with 9?
  4. Funwithfuel

    Thank the Turks

    A good pump eclipses $400
  5. Funwithfuel

    Thank the Turks

    You know , I now has coffee all over my phone. Thanks alot. 😂🤣
  6. Funwithfuel

    Thank the Turks

    That's cuz we're snobs for the Italian babes. Beretta, Benelli and if I want a lesser gun, there's Franchi. Mossberg has certainly proven themselves time and again. I love the 500/590 line and when this state gets its head out of its ***, gonna get me one of those 940s
  7. Funwithfuel

    mag restricted states

    We weren't denied at SCOTUS, just got relisted. Gotta watch next Tuesday to see what's going to happen, if anything. Wanna keep up with what is going on in the people's republic of Illinois, watch freedom steel on YouTube. Todd keeps us up to date. Bishop on air is another resource. To the...
  8. Funwithfuel

    Biden Administration Has Taken the First Step to BAN Lead Ammo NATIONWIDE

    Ingestion or high speed injection 🤣😅?
  9. Funwithfuel

    Biden Administration Has Taken the First Step to BAN Lead Ammo NATIONWIDE

    Their own studies have proven that lead ingestion by scavengers eating carrion has not increased nor decreased in the last 20 years
  10. Funwithfuel

    New GOA Action Alert

    Thank you. Added my name as well.
  11. Funwithfuel

    P320 in the news again

    Sig Germany closed their doors a couple years ago. JP Sauer and sons doesn't export, which only leaves Sig Switzerland and we can't import their wares. For us there is only Sig USA. And they've always been metric
  12. Funwithfuel

    P320 in the news again

    6 years ago, hmmm. was that before or after voluntary upgrade to reduced weight trigger? For that matter was it a stock trigger? It's really funny how everyone seems to have forgotten the term "glockleg" and how it came to be. Let's face it, some law enforcement carry, simply because it's...
  13. Funwithfuel

    time will tell

    https://maximdefense.com/product/244978/ You could look at this, it's roller delayed vs radial, more like hk, but not. If I could justify a 9 PDW (if I could even get one) it's something I'd consider.
  14. Funwithfuel

    Chicago mayor says migrant surge is an economic opportunity..???

    Companies paid for transportation, Companies paid for building shelter. Companies paid for feeding and clothing. Kickbacks paid by all, I suspect. Yeah, gimmegrants are a lucrative business alright. Of course, only a few of you will see this. I'm sure I crossed a political boundary...
  15. Funwithfuel

    Awesome young man!

    Must be something in the Indiana water supply.
  16. Funwithfuel


    We're the mags in a holster, perhaps? Is it possible the retention screws maybe deformed the body if adjusted too tight? I'm reaching here because your problem is not common at all. Have you physically pushed the follower through the body without the spring and base plate? Does it travel...
  17. Funwithfuel

    April 1st, and $20 per hr minimum wage

    I knew you and I were on the same wavelength for the most part. Same ages, similar experiences, similar beliefs in what makes a man a 'man'
  18. Funwithfuel

    this is why even i hate truckers now

    I was a heavy truck mechanic late 80s into the 90s before I discovered heavy equipment. In the beginning it was a good living. Responsible, professional truck drivers saw to it. If you pointed out legitimate concerns, they would approve it almost without hesitation. Then we started taking...
  19. Funwithfuel

    Signess? How About Sig Fever?

    I once tried handling an Earnest Langdon 220 with a stainless frame. My first thought, "Christ almighty, this thing is a pig!" Obviously you've gotten past the 'weight' of it and turned it to an asset. Congratulations on a sweet piece.
  20. Funwithfuel

    Fury as FDNY firefighters are forced to remove Stars and Stripes

    Well I'm stuck here in the people's republic of Illinois, I can't speak or condemn subjects of fellow subjects. On the subject of service, some are just "wired that way. " and thank goodness that they are.