
Search results

  1. Funwithfuel

    How do you feel

    Illinois is off as well. As of late, Arabic seems to be the #3 after English and Spanish. It's a trend that has been gaining ground for at least 30 years.
  2. Funwithfuel

    Federal appeals court rules IL assault weapons ban constitutional, sides with state

    2 of the 3 are clowns. Easterbrook and Woods are political hacks. Brennan pointed out to them where they were wrong, how they were wrong and what the US Supreme court had previously ruled. Same thing with the Illinois supreme court, they're bought and paid for. That's why gov fatboy is smiling...
  3. Funwithfuel

    Happy Halloween

    Like my fat-*** needs any of that. 😅🤣😂
  4. Funwithfuel

    Happy Halloween

    Already looks like Christmas here. The wind and snow blew in the ruin it for the kids. Then the grinch stopped by an axed my contribution. Oh well.
  5. Funwithfuel

    Happy Halloween

    Did my best to "clean" it up
  6. Funwithfuel

    Happy Halloween

    I don't know, I'm in my 50s and I still watch cartoons. Yer as old as you feel, right?
  7. Funwithfuel


    The "list" makes it seem straight forward. The reality is, when you look at 'features' the list grows exponentially. Starting with pistols. Threaded barrels, shrouded barrels. Magazine inserted forward of grip. A foregrip. Magazine capacity in excess of 15 rounds. Any device which increases...
  8. Funwithfuel


    I've said before, they brought us back to the 50s regarding shotgun and rifle and the pistol rules are a joke. The 7th circus appellate is just twiddling their thumbs and SCOTUS won't address anything that is interlocatory. The court system has just about lost any credibility. I saw today how...
  9. Funwithfuel


    Same here, although Gov Ryan was the victim of a witch hunt. There's more mudflaps with brackets, springs and brake drums littering the roadways then ever before. And Blago, he was a sacrificial lamp to the Madigan machine. Let's be fair, we had good governors, they were just targeted.
  10. Funwithfuel


    And that would be one of them thar loopholes they always ***** about. Funny how, "good for me, not for thee."
  11. Funwithfuel


    And for decades , little to no support for Illinois veterans, seniors or mental health facilities. Those programs were always held hostage to gain votes. Welfare, public aid etc, never in danger of cuts. Neither was their pay. Funny how they work for us, yet act like our masters.
  12. Funwithfuel


    Until the SCOTUS takes a position, nothing is gonna change. 7th Appellate is dragging heels even after clear concise rulings by 7th southern (judge McGlynn) and concurrent judgements in the 5th (judge Alito) and 9th (judge Benitez) . 9th circuit is almost more corrupt than Illinois. They...
  13. Funwithfuel

    coffee cups, you have a favorite one or two, or more..??

    Between BRCC and that Yeti cooler company and recently , the safe manufacturer, it seems like we're getting sold out everywhere you look. That said, that BRCC coffee cup is pretty sharp. 😉
  14. Funwithfuel

    Ammo Question

    I still use SGAmmo . Free shipping over $200. Wide selection. Really competitive prices. Hard to beet from my point of view.
  15. Funwithfuel

    Are Your Dogs Part of Your Home-Defense Plan?

    Our shepherd is beautiful, but she was a Covid baby. Couldn't get her into a training or behavior class for anything. She has bad manners and a quick temper. That said, she's not aggressive but alert. I'm more afraid of alphabet thugs doing her harm than some crackhead looking for a quick...
  16. Funwithfuel

    Windham Weaponry

    I had a few when Bushmaster sold under the name of Quality Parts corp. They were a supplier to the military for certain replacement parts and I believe some comple weapons. They used to have a monthly mailer just like Dillon Precision. I ran mine hard back in the 90s and it would keep pace with...
  17. Funwithfuel

    This will help… not really.

    Come to Illinois and ask that question. Between the political "fix" the gerrymandering, gimmegrants and unions, the left will be in control in perpetuity. No independent or republican stands a chance.
  18. Funwithfuel

    84-year-old German sentenced after hiding WWII Nazi tank, anti-aircraft cannon in his house

    And charged him $300k or 250k€ . For something he bought and imported and restored on his own dime. Good thing we live on America, that would never happen here 😏... Yeah right. No longer a republic, just a banana republic
  19. Funwithfuel

    Anyone with technology issues?

    I'm with you, I thought we switched languages.
  20. Funwithfuel

    Remington 870 Info?

    Federally, no. It won't pass muster. Statewide, the deck is stacked against us.