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  1. Funwithfuel

    Count your blessings and hug your loved ones ….

    I just came across this thread, shocked at the condition of the vehicle. So glad to read your Mrs to be safe and somewhat unharmed. Yes, you're right. Every day, reaffirm your love for those you care about. You never know.
  2. Funwithfuel

    Car theft Crime… Its an automakers problem

    My mothers last sportage, 286k. The current one, 170k or so. The last one, there was just no body left from Chicagoland winters. This one, bodies hanging in there and running like a top. I can't complain about Kia's workmanship. Nothing can be done about the corrosion though. Otherwise, damn...
  3. Funwithfuel

    Remington 870 Info?

    If they can interpret (manipulate) their laws to criminalize the law abiding, that's exactly what we expect them to do. They wrote this BS so broadly that it can be interpreted any way they want. And since they stacked all the courts against us. We're doomed
  4. Funwithfuel

    Remington 870 Info?

    If push comes to shove, they will interpret the law to include those stubby 1⅝" or 1½ short rounds and now 'everybody' is a felon. This F'in slob Prickster is the worse thing to happen to Illinois since Madigan. Not to mention that anyone who bought a saint anything, is now "required " to...
  5. Funwithfuel

    Probably could use a filter.

    Sounds reasonable
  6. Funwithfuel

    Bassbob Stand By for Gungrabber

    Missouri has that sweet 2A legislation. I would think that the city would get smacked for defying it.
  7. Funwithfuel

    Remembering a simpler time.

    We're on the downward spiral picking up speed. If we don't change course soon, there'll be nothing left for our children and grandchildren.
  8. Funwithfuel

    Jason Stratham

    Crank, stupid, funny and non-stop.
  9. Funwithfuel

    coffee cups, you have a favorite one or two, or more..??

    Im a field mechanic, so for me, it's drink, refill, rinse and repeat
  10. Funwithfuel

    Does the Illinois Governor and His Minions want the old, the poor, and the less educated in prison?

    Only "the oppressed " walk with no bail. We, the contributing members of society will be held in lieu of bail or have an astronomical bail imposed requiring us to remortgage our homes and sell off all assets . They got us with their idea of justice.
  11. Funwithfuel

    Does the Illinois Governor and His Minions want the old, the poor, and the less educated in prison?

    It'll help offset the drying of the lakes. Bring up the water table, yeah, that's it.
  12. Funwithfuel

    A true member of the greatest generation.

    And those "kids" gave him all the respect in the world. They knew if it weren't for men like him, they might be speaking a different language
  13. Funwithfuel

    coffee cups, you have a favorite one or two, or more..??

    For me, it's more about the coffee than the cup. That said, my wife sends me off every morning with a 32oz sippy cup for the commute and a 64oz thermos full for when the sippy runs dry. Some of you headbangers will get the caption.
  14. Funwithfuel

    FPC Pistol Brace Lawsuit Yielding Positive Results

    I don't think the AFT wanna take that road. SCOTUS might just give them the mother of all smackdowns. They're overreaching, legislating via rule making and can't follow their own directions in that what's cool one day is felonious the next. No bueno!
  15. Funwithfuel

    FPC Pistol Brace Lawsuit Yielding Positive Results

    Now. If the 7th will follow through on our AWB here in Illinois. But we all know they're going to drag their heels.
  16. Funwithfuel

    FPC Pistol Brace Lawsuit Yielding Positive Results

    Just got word, 5th circuit has declared pistol brace rule unconstitutional. Woo-hoo
  17. Funwithfuel

    Sig P320

    A little late, this might've helped
  18. Funwithfuel

    dummy has 2 accidents

    What are you doing on 4chan? That's like a gateway to "the dark web" 😂🤣😅
  19. Funwithfuel

    12 ga over 3" expansion

    It's not about needs, but definitely fits in the "wants" category