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  1. Funwithfuel

    Justified: City Primeval

    I was waiting patiently. Stuff came up. Gonna have to catch it. I too thought the first one was top notch
  2. Funwithfuel


    Remember this?
  3. Funwithfuel

    Police Shooting

    Speedy trial, then we hang em.
  4. Funwithfuel

    Police Shooting

    Why is there no godd@mn popcorn emoji? I believe in a trial. I don't believe in roadside execution. I believe that once the scumbag has surrendered, the threat is neutral. I can't shoot someone in the back and cry "self-defense" so neither can a police officer. Just a citizen with...
  5. Funwithfuel

    Police Shooting

    I'm kinda seeing both sides here. I see the career criminal in our state, (no bond) getting emboldened by the "no consequences" policies of the left. Released time and time again to repeat crimes on the population. But let's take a step back. Everything is a felony charge these days. If...
  6. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    My daughter bought an EZ9 without me. She passed it to me to try during our ccl class. I was amazed at how perfectly it checked all the boxes. Light, smooth, fits perfectly, has a simple grip safety and it's hammer fired. I got small paws and it just fit.
  7. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    I was never a fan of Caddies. They were big n beautiful but too "out there " for me. I was happier in an ol dart or a monte carlo. Always liked little and nimble vs hulky. Besides the 340 was a big block killer. A high winding race engine for production. Just not for towing. Man this sideroad...
  8. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    My buddies dad had a black Sedan de Ville . If i remember correctly, that thing had a 525. As a kid, that was impressive, as an adult, i just wanna shoehorn it into a Mazda Miata.
  9. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    That right there, is friggin awesome.
  10. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    There was a 470 for a while during late 80s into the 90s. Hard to find parts for. Offered in 250, 350 and super duties. Straight up low rpm torque monster.
  11. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    Now that reminds me of how my hearing began to fail. I had a dinky little chevy lumina. There was no trunk space left. It had a sealed 4 chamber box with 4 15" Rockford Fosgate Pro series driven by 2 Hyfonics Zeus amps at 2 ohms. Rear deck and doors were Pyle 6x9 and 6" round driven by a...
  12. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Registration is Coming Soon

    Registration leads to confiscation. They ain't getting squat more from me. The bigger problem is the unlawful registration that they have been accruing since last year with anyone who followed the rules and filled out the transfer form online. They know what you bought, traded or sold and to...
  13. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    TFIC IV = thick film integrated circuit series 4. The 70s version of an integrated circuit. Prone to moisture problems FICM = fuel injection command module. The high voltage box that controlled the injectors. 6 liters had the worst. I used to work for International dealers in the 90s. The...
  14. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    Both my Bronco and my suburban were listed as "carryall" that entitled me to be able to drive LSD and Boulevards, just like utility. But man, if you got caught with a B plate or better, they act like the world is coming to an end.
  15. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    A smarter fella woulda learned after they introduced TFIC IV. But we'll give bonus points for the crapistar powered F350. Those 7.3 turbos were something else as long as the FICM held up.
  16. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    Where's your sense of adventure?
  17. Funwithfuel

    would you buy a new but blemished gun...??

    If I was getting a new Python or a something along those lines, that rascal had better be 100% perfect. That said, I'm always looking to save a buck. As others have mentioned, they treat theirs gingerly. I, on the other hand, am kinda savage. I take care of my stuff, but don't handle as...
  18. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Registration is Coming Soon

    Some of us are trapped in this godforsaken $h!thole. People are leaving the state. There's been a steady exodus since Madigan blocked Rauner every step of the way. The tail quite literally wags the dog here. Yes, as mentioned, they have manipulated district lines, judicial rules and ethically...
  19. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Registration is Coming Soon

    I could "hook you up" lol
  20. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Registration is Coming Soon

    We already had a judge issue a stay, then that weekend the state cried and an appellate judge for 7th district placed a stay on the stay. Judge McGlynn gave us a stay in the Southern part of the 7th. Judge Easterbrook rescinded the stay 6 days later. We had oral arguments a week and a half ago...