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    SOG: A Photo History of the Secret Wars

    Added to my list of books to get. Being on a pension, in this economy, means saving up to buy most anything.
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    Did You Buy the Wrong Handgun?

    In the 40+ years I've been buying and shooting handguns, I can only recall 2 or 3 handguns that I couldn't get rid of fast enough. A Spanish made 1911 Clone (I don't remember if it was a Star or Llama or some other brand), that was the quintessential Jam-O-Matic. Ruger's first P series pistols...
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    Did You Buy the Wrong Handgun?

    Give the Q5 a try. The metal frame goes a long way towards taking the recoil. I shoot the PPQ, the PDP's older brother, and Walther has nailed the trigger on those guns, but it did take a bit of work on learning to control the Muzzle flip, especially in .40 S&W.
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    Is Modernizing the SA-35 a Mistake?

    Proof that even a good production line gun, can be made better by some customized tweaking.
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    Medieval WWI Trench Weapons

    Well written article. As an amateur historian, I've focused more on the Great War era than other periods, quite a bit. So most of the information in the article wasn't surprising, but a good brief synopsis of the conditions and the weaponry employed in Trench Warfare. Rifles were of little use...
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    M1A: Too Outdated for Self-Defense, or Best Bug-Out Gun Ever?

    Though I've no Military experience, we've chosen ARs for our Bug Out weapons for the reasons you mention. They are lighter, easier for my wife to control, and we're able to carry twice as much ammo in 5.56 over 7.62. In my opinion, weight is the biggest issue if one needs to Bug Out on foot...
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    US Military Helmets: The American Evolution

    A good article. Not many know that our military had helmets prior to Great War. During World War 2, my Great Grandfather was a Civil Defense Spotter, and he was issued a 1917 Kelly Helmet repainted with a Flat White. Luckily, we've managed to hang on to his helmet as it's on a shelf in my...
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    M1A: Too Outdated for Self-Defense, or Best Bug-Out Gun Ever?

    The debate of what's the best Bug Out Gun, an M14 or an AR15 is ongoing and will never be resolved. Two schools of thought, each having their Pros and Cons. People tend to forget that the roll out of the M14 had just as many issues as the roll out of the M16 (most of which were due to the...
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    Is the SA-35 Suited for Modern CCW? An Undercover Cop’s Perspective

    When it comes to choosing if your gun is reliable, does that tale into consideration Ammo Sensitivity? I owned a 1st Gen S&W Model 39 back when I first started carrying, that unless I ran one or two brands, it would fail to feed (if memory serves it was Fed and Speer that ran consistently...
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    Springfield Armory M1 Carbine

    I remember in the late 80's, early 90's, when there was a bunch of M1 Carbines on the market, around the same time you could pick up a SovBloc or ChiCom SKS for $70 to $80 out of a barrel packed with dried out cosmoline. I was working full time and going to school full time, so didn't spring...
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    Is the SA-35 Suited for Modern CCW? An Undercover Cop’s Perspective

    I'm sorry, and don't want to offend, but it still has the appearances of a status symbol, more than anything else to me. I'm content carrying either my WalCompact. M2 or Beretta M9 if I'm going full size, and either my P365 or PPS if I need compact. If I was jazzed about older designs, an...
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    My Winter Survival Story — Don’t Make The Same Mistakes!

    We've lived in the foothills of the Front Range of the Rockies for nearly 60 years. We keep two kits ready to go year round. A Fair Weather kit, and a second Winter Weather kit that can be tossed into the hatch from September to April. Electric Socks and Hand Warmers are a part of that kit...
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    The Thumper: History of the M79 40mm Grenade Launcher

    An arm I would very much love to own (even if it was only the 37mm Civilian Flare version). Simple, effective and though it wasn't referenced, I imagine it was very economical to build too.
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    The Thumper: History of the M79 40mm Grenade Launcher

    I lost an older cousin in 1971, to that same undiagnosed PTSD. Sincere condolences to your family. That little War's impact still haunts us today.
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    Perfectly Sublime: The Cylinder & Slide Custom SA-35

    Really cool. Unfortunately, that price is way outside of this retiree's fixed income (worsened by the Demented Dipschitt in Office), so I can only look and drool over it.
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    Type 14 Nambu: Pacific War’s Most Coveted War Souvenir?

    The Type 14 Nambu is one of the few WW 2 era guns I've actually had the chance to fire. A friend of mine has one, inherited from his father, who brought it home as a War Trophy. Dr. Dabbs, your description of its trigger is exactly as I recall shooting the gun in the mid 80's. I remember...
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    So You Want to Buy a Can: The Intricacies of Suppressor Ownership

    Though I'd love to have one or three, the fact that it is an NFA item pisses me off to no end. Same with the SBR/SBS BS. The entire NFA (and all subsequent legislation) is an INFRINGEMENT on a Constitutionally protected Right. None of this legislation has prevented a single crime, and it was...
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    Springfield Armory and the 2022 Pin Shoot

    Nice! Kudos to Springfield for being a major sponsor. Would love to attend, but being retired on a fixed income, I've more chance of growing replacement teeth than affording such a trip. Still....It's nice to dream.
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    RPG-2 — The Original ComBloc Anti-Tank Weapon

    Kudos to the author for his excellent observation skills. Though I must admit it's been 40 years since I watched "Raiders of the Lost Arc," and I only vaguely remember the scene. An interesting history on the RPG. I learned a few things I didn't know, and that's something I value highly. Thank you.