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  1. Grifter

    Remington offers settlement with victims' families

    This will be a bad precedent.
  2. Grifter

    GOA Chipman news

    https://thefederalist.com/2021/07/27/biden-atf-nominee-frustrated-by-first-amendment-freedom-of-gun-owners-to-say-things-he-doesnt-like/ This dude just doesn’t know when to shut up.
  3. Grifter

    PSA Dagger

    Here you go.
  4. Grifter

    PSA Dagger

    Picked up the PSA Dagger to test out and I would say it is a solid pistol with a great price point. It is a glock 19 gen 3 clone and works with all gen 3 parts and glock mags. It also accepts the magpul glock magazines. Trigger take up is long, but the reset is short. The grip feels amazing...
  5. Grifter

    Biden Just Said He Wants to Ban Handguns

    You know that if he could ban handguns tomorrow he would.
  6. Grifter

    GOA Chipman news

    And for some reason I cannot link the video????
  7. Grifter

    GOA Chipman news

    The GOA got a rep from Montana I believe, to pre-file articles of impeachment it Chipman gets confirmed.
  8. Grifter

    GOA Action 7/20

    Here is the latest GOA action item. Please read it and sign it if you are so inclined. https://www.gunowners.org/na07202021/
  9. Grifter

    To open carry or not

    I personally only conceal carry. My brother opened carried and I noticed he attracted attention and would often have strangers stop him to ask about it. I have not seen any actual statistics to support one over the other.
  10. Grifter

    GOA Action 7/17

    Here is a Chipman action email from the GOA. Please fill it out and submit. https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=13516
  11. Grifter

    Is Your SAINT Armageddon-Ready?

    And here I went and thought this was going to be an article about setting up our saints for shtf scenarios.
  12. Grifter

    New ATF proposed rule

    You are correct. Just burden the law abiding citizen with more crap.
  13. Grifter

    New ATF proposed rule

    If I am not mistaken, they will also have serial numbers and must be transferred through a FFL. If the ATF gets their way.
  14. Grifter

    Holster for XDM

    https://blackhawk.com/omnivore-multifit-holsters/ I use one of these and like it pretty well. The good news is I can use it for multiple weapons, just have to swap the light.
  15. Grifter

    Senator’s letter to the ATF

    Good to see some senators trying to stop this brace madness.
  16. Grifter

    Daily dose of ATF ....

    Further breakdown of this crap.
  17. Grifter

    Daily dose of ATF ....

    Also more red flag law nonsense. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/06/biden-doj-proposes-new-pistol-brace-rule-and-model-red-flag-gun-confiscation-legislation/
  18. Grifter

    Daily dose of ATF ....

    As Talyn mentioned, it becomes a point system based upon those items you mentioned. Arbitrary features that the ATF decides they don’t like.
  19. Grifter

    Daily dose of ATF ....

    Did you see the nonsense about the weight? More than 64 ounces and it is no longer considered a pistol.
  20. Grifter

    Daily dose of ATF ....

    Another video explaining this crap.