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  1. Ranger715

    Suggests banning 9mm weapons

    Right. The history of mass shootings bears this out. In nearly every case, the killing stops as soon as the shooter is confronted by someone else with a gun. Buffalo was a rare exception. But then you have Charleston, WV almost immediately validating the concept again.
  2. Ranger715

    Suggests banning 9mm weapons

    Good old Joe has often recommended the shotgun for home defense. Here's a famous quote of his from 2013. "Get a double-barreled shotgun. Have the shells in the 12 gauge shotgun. And I promise you…as I told my wife…we live in an area that's in the woods and somewhat secluded. I said, 'Jill...
  3. Ranger715

    Small safes for home gun staging

    Have you considered the idea of just keeping a gun on you? You be the safe. It's the fastest access you can get, and costs only a holster. I've been doing it over the last year or so. It's not difficult.
  4. Ranger715

    Impressive Performance from "Cheap" Guns?

    I probably wouldn't have bought it out of suspicion over the low price! I would assume there's something wrong with it. But I have a knack for talking myself out of a good deal. 😩
  5. Ranger715

    Over rated firearms

    An "overrated gun" is actually just a really good, very popular gun that some people like to poo-poo just to be contrary.
  6. Ranger715

    A True Story

    Whew! Tense situation. Good lesson. I also shoot in relatively remote locations, and I have considered the same scenario. What if some ne'er do well hanging out in the woods decides I'm a good source of some guns and new vehicle? I agree that you need to keep a loaded gun at the ready...
  7. Ranger715

    ALICE in MOLLE Land

    Clever. Bait me in with a beautiful woman, then switch to crusty old sarge. Cruel.
  8. Ranger715

    National Peace Officer Memorial Day

    Truly one of the most eloquent, sincere, heartfelt tributes to police service I have ever read. Well done.
  9. Ranger715

    What would you recommend to a non-gun person for concealed carry?

    There are guns which are good to learn with. There are guns which are good for carrying. They're not usually the same. The "one gun for all people for all purposes" is mythical. Why do you think there are so many choices on the market? Why do you think we all own numerous guns? For the...
  10. Ranger715

    Travis Pike debunks 7 tactical myths

    Well...to those of us who have been around the subject for a while, there may not be much to learn here, but to those who are newer to self defense and firearms, they might need to read this. For instance, my cousin just purchased a pistol for self defense. He didn't ask me for any advice, but...
  11. Ranger715

    Jeep owner getting sued for mishap at dealership

    Holy crap. The description of liability law there in Michigan is literally insane. It seems our capacity to pass ridiculous, unjust laws is without limit. And our civil lawsuit system....how do we survive at all?
  12. Ranger715


    Every gun I have prints a bit no matter how I carry or what I wear, unless it's heavy outerwear. I'm not going to sweat it too much. Otherwise, I'd have to wear a burka. I just try to be aware of who's around me and be cool. If someone screams, "Oh my God! He has a gun!" I'll just stand...
  13. Ranger715

    'Utes Criminal Careers Cut Short in PA

    Golly, if the gun just had a serial number and a 10 round magazine, everything would have been just fine.
  14. Ranger715

    Ummmm got nothing

    Well...just sad.
  15. Ranger715

    Winsome Sears

    Just what I want every politician to be. Too bad it takes a Jamaican immigrant to show people how to be an American.
  16. Ranger715

    Pushing the Hellcat 9mm to 200 Yards

    I'm impressed with the distance shooting. Very cool. But a chest rig for a Hellcat? Come on. :rolleyes:
  17. Ranger715

    Can “Pro-Gun” Democrats Be Trusted?

    When I was young and foolish, I voted for Bill Clinton his first term. I watched him say he would never infringe upon the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. I quickly learned my lesson. Have never voted Democrat since. Republicans frequently embarrass and disappoint. But the difference is...
  18. Ranger715

    Bridget’s Off-Grid Bianchi Remedy Holster Review

    I just read that for the article. Honest! :sneaky: What was it about again?
  19. Ranger715

    Think I am catching it…….

    Since we're putting our Signess out there... The gun I aspire to is the Sig M11-A1. When I have $1200 lying around then maybe.
  20. Ranger715

    Another Sad Accidental Shooting

    Makes you sick to your stomach. The details of the incident leave a lot to be desired, and don't make much sense. If the kid is in the car seat in the back, while the adults are in front, how does the child "somehow find the gun" and start playing with it. There is no explanation except the...