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  1. J

    Culture is our weapon.

    This only works if you've never talked to any Europeans.
  2. J

    Longshoremen agree to suspend strike, reopen ports

    So... Any one. 😄
  3. J

    Closed Ports/Panic buying

    That's a reasonable assumption but they went back when they got the raise they wanted
  4. J

    Longshoremen agree to suspend strike, reopen ports

    Longshoremen agree to suspend strike, reopen ports. Happy Holidays! https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/10/03/port-strike-over/
  5. J

    Gun Stores Closing

    Most of the big online retailers started out as gun stores. Tombstone Tactical and Classic Firearms. And Sionics was a little hole-in-the-wall gun store here in Tucson. (I always had a good laugh about that, especially when someone would talk about touring the factory.)
  6. J

    Is a .22LR round plausible for self defense?

    Just read something about that: .22 Creedmore.
  7. J

    Missing, most likely stolen

    Everybody is talking theft, but a hawk, eagle or other predatory bird is the most likely answer. It's a well known problem here in Tucson. My neighbor had a parakeet that rode on her shoulder. This was in Maryland. A blackbird dove down and plucked it off of her.
  8. J

    Uscca affiliation

    Three out of four have a domestic violence exclusion. This is further proof of the relationship of domestic violence to community violence and mass shootings. I can see the commercial USCCA, the choice of wifebeaters everywhere
  9. J

    MAC-5 in 9mm copy of HK - worth it?

    No one knows if it is worth it yet. I have an AP5. It's worth it.
  10. J

    Bull Armory AXE: Comparing Israel’s Glock Clone to a Glock 19

    This time around Bull made a pretty good splash, then sunk.
  11. J

    Illegals with criminal convictions in the U.S.

    Can't remember. But google it. If I say it, it is true. But you csn tell just on the face of it. In three and a half years almost 3/4 million people (from a pretty small pool comparatively) have committed crimes, been caught, been tried, been sentenced? Look how long it is taking Trump to get...
  12. J

    Gun Stores Closing

    It's an old fashioned, expensive way to buy and sell guns. They've been out competed by online and big box competition.
  13. J

    Maybe no more tax stamp on suppressors?

    Right. They're still really loud and right on the bubble of where you still need hearing protection
  14. J

    Maybe no more tax stamp on suppressors?

    Gee. How much would guns cost? Suppressors cost 10-15 times what they would cost if they weren't a niche product selling to a small percentage of gun owners. The profit needs to be higher to support a company, not a fee.
  15. J

    Fake meat - why eat it at all?

    It's a democratic plot to make you compliant and dependent. Seriously. Why do people eat raspberries or drink cranberry juice? Of all the things that don't matter, what some other adult chooses to eat is pretty near the top.
  16. J

    Charlie Hustle died

    The problem with betting on your own games is that you have some ability to control the outcome. In this case you're cheating all of the other bettors.
  17. J

    Maybe no more tax stamp on suppressors?

    In the hobby of firearms, $200 is nothing.
  18. J

    Long Range Shooting with Iron Sights

    My wife was going to buy me a new M1A for my birthday. But I told her no because my iron-sight ship has sailed. (I know they can be fitted with modern optics, but it doesn't feel right.) Of course, I may change my mind by Christmas.
  19. J

    Never bring a toy gun to a gun fight

    I thought you said criminals can get all the guns they want. 🤔