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  1. S

    M&P9 Ammo

    For my 9mm Range will be Freedom Munitions Reman ball or JHP 115/124gr, S&B, or Blazer Carry will be Barnes TAC XPD 115 gr or Norma MHP 108gr in my Shields, PPS and Hellcat. I will shoot (test) both rounds this coming weekend in my M&P subcompact that just arrived. Thanks for posting your...
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    Consealed VS Open Carry & Constitutional Carry

    Major issue of today. People don't respect authority and it is slowly becoming irrelevant unfortunately
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    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Know what you mean about the pockets and the white at the top plus the pockets weren't very deep. Wore them for a few years. Glad to hear Jeff is doing better.
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    Consealed VS Open Carry & Constitutional Carry

    I had to pass my dad's training class before I was allowed to handle a firearm and then get to hunt with the group on the weekends. BTW his training lasted longer than 4 hrs. Thanks Pop. Two other posts that struck me , #35 by SimonRL for adding the term Douche Nozzle to my vocabulary and #62 by...
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    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    M&P sub compact 9mm and 1K .45acp for range. For clarity not in the sub compact 9mm :)
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    M&P Finally arrived!

    After looking at the pics a few times I decided to purchase one during breakfast coffee this morning.
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    M&P Finally arrived!

    Congrats on a nice pick up and a fine rifle. I am a true M&P fan. Have several and been issue free, they are my favorite plastic gun (do miss my VP9 &HK 45) but the M&P wins for me. I have the compact
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    The Best Bear Defense Handguns of 2023

    Really like my new Smith M&P 5.6' 10mm. Shot it yesterday and went back today but still less than 100rnds. My RO Elite Operator is something the wife and I both enjoy shooting as she finds the recoil no issue. I also have the XD-M but not much of a fan, bought for capacity.
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    Electric is the way to go?

    Personally I think Mr Tesla earned a PhD in the advanced economics of P T Barnum
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    Moved from Illinois in 1985 due to my work and made a nice life for my family in Texas. Leaving our families was hard but fortunately the grandparents were able to retire shortly after our move. Had I not moved in 85 I'm positive I would have eventually left and started over in a new location...
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    Finally Got to the Range

    It was very brief but totally enjoyable. I was fortunate enough to get a M&P 5.6 10mm for my birthday and fired a whopping 30 rounds. Hit what I was looking at so all was good Shots were from 7& 10 yards
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    More Skin Cancer

    Sorry to hear the news but early detection and a good Doc are keys to success. Spirits up
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    10mm anyone

    Waiting on delivery of the S&W 5.6 10mm. Hopefully should arrive today or tomorrow
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    Are Your Dogs Part of Your Home-Defense Plan?

    Very much so. Either by getting up and going toward the door, cutting loose a bark from hell, or just being a friendly lazy dog. I have noticed recently if we are out walking that he will occasionally position himself between me and the other person. He started this on his own. He is very...
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    Manufactured Stress, practical shooting.

    While I am trying to work into a few club steel competitions I find competing against myself and the group I shoot with to be very enjoyable. Been trying for years to draw, double tap and have 1 hole. :) Keeps me going back
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    Friday range day…

    My range allows for practice drawing, firing which is nice for the competition folks and those who wanting to practice defense draw and presentation.
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    More paper killing.

    Well you posted in the right area (skills) and you definitely appear to be extremely skillful. Very nice work
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    External Safety

    When at the range shooting my 1911's I draw (right thumb sitting on safety), acquire target, right thumb rides safety down then I fire. With my strikers I have the same sequence but my right thumb continues riding downward until coming to rest on the left.
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    Nice set up. If you walk away, don't go broke defending yourself and then win the civil case I would think the gun would be the last thing you would be thinking about. Not intended to be critical but just my thoughts.
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    Changed out my EMP grips to Black VZ's with slightly with flushed screws. The grips look slightly different than the originals Tucker Slide Versa Carry Arma (My Most Common)