
Search results

  1. W

    Chuck Norris

    Chuck Norris can stack BB's with a pitchfork
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    What are you doing right now??

    Browsing the Benchmade Knife site again. I decided on the Infidel out the front opening one and now looking for another one that either fits in a shirt pocket or front pants pocket for work but it has to be a heavy duty one. Best part is the Wife says Buy whatever I want and as many as I want.
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    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all
  4. W

    What are you doing right now??

    Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo with the addition of coffee and lots of it.
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    The Laugo Arms Alien Creator Evolution is Other Worldly

    And I thought my Glocks were ugly.
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    My choice in a mimitary rifke design, The M1 Carbine

    I don't like picture books, I like coloring books
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    One more coyote attack reported

    I had to get the series of rabies shots years ago due to a dog attack on duty. Those shots really hurt like hell. Long story short, Palm Sunday two large dogs (later found out Dogo Argentino's) out in a couple's yard pouring rain filthy dirty. Lady comes out w them on leashes. Tells me they are...
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    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    A few more extra 12 round magazines for my recently purchased HK CC9
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    What are you doing right now??

    Looking at Benchmade knives. Not that I need any more knives but perhaps I may order a front opener aka switchblade since they are now legal in Pennsylvania. And besides my Gerber that I carry on duty is wearing out.
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    Added Some SIGs & a S&W

    Congrats on the new additions SIR
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    Chuck Norris

    If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win forever
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    Three Motor Officer Deputies Struck, 2 Dead,Palm Beach County

    Driving to me is a job albeit one that we don't get paid for but there are enough distractions on the road as it is. Family and friends know that if they call me or text me and I don't answer I am either driving or if at work tied up with a call or something. They all know that and if it's an...
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    pistol pics, and disease therapy

    Congrats on the new addition
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    What are you doing right now??

    Watching the weather. Calling for some snow over night here with projections of significant snowfall up to a foot in the higher elevations. Got all my physical therapy and doctor appointments done for the week and the Wife made sure we have all we need in the house. People around here forget how...
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    Ho-ho-ho…now you can have John McClane’s holster too…

    Damn right. Die Hard IS a Christmas Movie but at that price I'll pass on it even though it looks really sharp
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    What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

    Best of Luck with the new addition
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    What are you doing right now??

    Watching the documentary Making Manson on Peacock
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    What are you doing right now??

    Good Shootin SIR
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    Chuck Norris

    In High School, teachers had to raise their hands to speak to Chuck Norris.
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    It's official, its a FN Reflex

    Congrats on the new addition