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  1. jumpinjoe

    Daffy Zone…..

    Naw ... here's why you didn't retire to Florida! This is a scene from outside my back door. Take a look. https://www.yahoo.com/news/alligators-swarm-swamp-georgia-state-070844126.html
  2. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    Thanks for the tip on the site, but not until I get a virus protection on my 'puter. :D
  3. jumpinjoe

    what is the size of the plate screws on a Hellcat Pro?

    Good practice!
  4. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    Well, I would just have to question just what is a "questionable" website? ;) :D
  5. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    Thanks Old_Me, and I'm gaining on it bit by bit. I think I can handle the deleting now, especially after your top notch explanation as to how to get it done. I'm so thankful for the help that if we lived closer to each other I'd probably give you a kiss ... that is only if you looked like the...
  6. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    Thanks for the explanation, I thought that's what it stood for, but then realized I didn't know what a "Virtual Private Network" is! My oh my, what am I gonna' do? LOL! LOL! (y)
  7. jumpinjoe

    What are you doing right now??

    LOL! Don't know exactly why, but it struck me funny ... Mattresses under several varied conditions other than wrestling can convince us of "No more strapping youth, hello old age." Ya' know what I'm sayin? ;):D:censored:
  8. jumpinjoe

    Turkey.. its whats for dinner

    It just don't get much better! Oh, for the days!!!
  9. jumpinjoe

    squibb loads

    As old as the press sounds, it's likely an early RCBS model called 'Rockchucker'. It was a very popular single stage press and still is iirc. It will load anything you want to shoot, and it will be slow compared to some others. But slow is a great way to learn the reloader's way. And the MEC...
  10. jumpinjoe

    squibb loads

    The most important statement in the whole paragraph: "I do NOT buy or fiddle with reloaded ammo unless it’s stuff I personally reloaded. I know how I load, got no idea how Charlie Brown does." Couldn't be said much better Shibadog. And that's not a knock on anyone else's loading practices...
  11. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    So, are you seeing the same things I'm seeing regarding Kaspersky being cancelled, and their suggestion to install the AVultra? I'm not even sure I explained it all in a way most others can understand. I tried getting through to MaCafee, Trend Micro, AVap, and a couple others earlier today but...
  12. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    As much as I appreciate all this, the fact is I only understood about 20% of it. And I don't currently have an issue with my machine, the Kaspersky has been doing a great job for the better of 15 years. I don't remember even one issue related to viruses. My issue right now is having to delete it...
  13. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    I knew enough to not click on an unknown icon, even though it has now proven to be somewhat legitimate. The real issue for me is getting all the uploading/downloading/installing/deleting all done on all four devices in the right order and at the right time. And I have until the 30th of September...
  14. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    I will when it comes through. Right now I'm in a bidding war with some damned idiot claiming to be the prince's nephew and claiming he's the lawful beneficiary. We've been at it for a few days now but I think I've got the upper hand. The prince himself has emailed me on another account that his...
  15. jumpinjoe

    Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

    A few days ago I got a notice on my virus protection package (Kaspersky) that my subscription had been cancelled. No warning, no prior notice, nothing ... except on that same day I had two Icons show up on my desk top I'd never seen before. It turns out they were shortcuts to the files to...
  16. jumpinjoe

    reloading questions/advice if you would please?

    1st thing Bob is to ensure you have a good, late release loading manual from a known reliable source. Hornady makes a good one, Lee, Sierra, NRA used to publish a really good one, and a number of others. Do not, at least during the early stages of your loading career put a lot of faith into any...
  17. jumpinjoe

    Daffy Zone…..

    I've seen some that were definitely inflated!
  18. jumpinjoe

    Daffy Zone…..

  19. jumpinjoe

    Daffy Zone…..

    Admittedly I've been out of the game for a very long time, and there was a time I could tell you the name of every model made by Chevy, every spec of every engine ... big block/small block, displacement w/bore and stroke, rated and actual horse power, every available transmission w/final drive...
  20. jumpinjoe

    Officers Down in America

    RIP Deputy Phipps.