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  1. Tonyw

    Ayoob: Is It Time to Retire the 1911?

    Hope the Good Lord WILL TAKE ME HOME THE DAY BEFORE IT IS done away with.
  2. Tonyw

    Best Danged Dog!

    just for kicks and giggles How to give a cat a pill: Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop...
  3. Tonyw

    Glock got me again

    Thanks. Look into it. Kinda like the stile of their guns.
  4. Tonyw

    Best Danged Dog!

    Good dogs, good wife, good guns. Great combo.
  5. Tonyw

    Glock got me again

    The amount of time I spent on the range I fell in love with the 45. When mom and me decided to get our guns I looked long and hard for something we could both shoot regularly and sense mom hadn't had a lot of time shooting low recoil was very important to me. I also wanted our ammo to be...
  6. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    yes here to
  7. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    I have to go and hit the phones. Be good young man.
  8. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    Hans we are not that far apart. we both want our guns and we both want law and order. I know I'll never turn you because you don't want to learn what I believe in. My blog would probably make some sens to you and some wouldn't. I can see some of your points but still believe in myself. I...
  9. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    seesh sour grapes.
  10. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    Did you ever visit my blog? You might get a better understanding of my thought if you did. At least I'm not setting on my back sides and doing nothing. I;ll be on the phones later working for my choice for govenor of Nebraska so I want be on here much longer to argue with you. P.S. He'll...
  11. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    In other words you want to run down folks that are trying but do nothing but kabitz us who try something.Get involved with the NRA not just join. Learn what your law makers stand on the subject and try to get involved in their decision making. Talk to your law enforcement officers and see...
  12. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    What are you doing to help folks get involved hans.
  13. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    Because the Second Amendment to the constitution wasn't in original copy of the constitution but added after because the founding fathers saw the need to protect your rights to self defense against threats local and outside the U.S. They were very smart folks to add this later. Another country...
  14. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    I am 100% disabled and so is my wife. I'm 81 she is 75. Retreat isn't an option for us. I know what is said about the rule for retreat is and so do the officers we will come into contact with. They know us. We shoot together and share coffee. A more caring and good folks you will never...
  15. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    Ain't you equlent though.
  16. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    just you but you seem to think barking slop is ok. I never ment to get into a pissing contest with you til you decided to take me on.
  17. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    Boy, you like to beat a deed horsey don't you,
  18. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    The perp waz deed he wuz alive to fight the charges.
  19. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    I love my wife and the only way you will walk away from a SEROUS threat to her is two carrying in a bag. In your favor Nebraska does have a law that a perp can't come back on you in a court of law if you have used force to stop them from harming you or others in the submission of a crime.
  20. Tonyw

    Gun Control May 17

    r they were no longer a threat like a complete moron.