It said it was inert in the original story that came out a couple days ago, and there are several other news sources out there, that also covered it, and included the fact that it was inert. The first story said he was on his way to the SHOT show and it was a prop.
If you use and go through their site, to the pelican site, they can be discounted at checkout. Not sure if all discounts are the same for all categories, but Military is 15% (better than AAFEES)
you could have just used a zip lock baggie, seal it, roll it up and set it out of the way. Then when you are ready to finish cleaning, just tip the baggie up, snip a corner off, and drain it back in the container if you chose.
Saturday, I was at a gun show, held a Garrison, ended up walking out with it. They threw in two boxes of S&B 230, round nose. Haven't looked at an Emissary yet.
this thread has definitely run it's course............ seems it has just become another urination contest............... either you use safeties or you don't, it is truly a matter of personal preference!!!!!!!!!!!!
Per Merriam-Webster a gun/firearm is indeed a weapon, and there are several ways in which the word "weapon" can be used that have nothing to do with harming anyone. What a firearm is not is a TOY, and should never be addressed as such. Just my opinion of course.
My house only measures about 24 x 36 then add in the walls for rooms and such. Since I inherited my brothers (.45/.410) Judge 3" barrel, I have some of the fancier defense rounds in 2 1/2", but then I came across some 3" with 5- 000 buckshot, personally I figure this is more than sufficient...
I could be wrong, but I believe the "barrel" is just included as part of the description of the firearm, and not a specific question, as part of the disassembly.
Ronin 9mm 4.25” barrel, as so many descriptions include barrel length.