
Search results

  1. papadan

    Is There a Need: Cheap Single Shot 9mm

    I've got 2 of them, one only shoots a 38 tear gas cartridge, the other is chambered for 38 special but included a 25 acp adapter. I wouldn't want to hold it with a 38 in it, just not built strong enough for my sake.
  2. papadan


    I just want to watch!
  3. papadan

    Is There a Need: Cheap Single Shot 9mm

    Well I think it's ugly, so I will stick with my single shot 25 pen! Business Mans CC.
  4. papadan

    Should You Use Slugs, Birdshot, or Buckshot for Home Defense?

    I love multiple choice questions.
  5. papadan

    Should You Use Slugs, Birdshot, or Buckshot for Home Defense?

    Should You Use Slugs, Birdshot, or Buckshot for Home Defense? Uh..Yes!
  6. papadan

    Of course they would

  7. papadan


  8. papadan

    Elmer Fudd disarmed

    I'm glad that I am a sick old man, I don't want to live in this pathetic day and age!
  9. papadan

    Order Delayed

    Yeah, the 1st. 👍
  10. papadan

    Order Delayed

    Walmart tracking showed a package was being delivered Monday, been waiting 2 weeks. Monday came and went and no package. Checked and was shipped FedEx, checked their tracking and was never picked up in California and now out of stock. Ordered different item from Home Depot Tuesday evening and...
  11. papadan

    Picking Up Chicks! 😜

    Oooo...I like shake and bake! 🐔🐔🐔🐔
  12. papadan


    I refer to my pistols as my girls, with 45-9mm-38, what a figure! :love:
  13. papadan

    You Bought your First Gun and Now it Doesn’t Work....What do You Do

    You Bought your First Gun and Now it Doesn’t Work....What do You Do Well, I would tell them to try loading it! :cool: 😂
  14. papadan


    Welcome Kidrock. Talyn, stop trying to scare the noobs.
  15. papadan

    Gun Voter Alert: Everytown Anti-Gun Group Reveals Endorsements

    Kind of interesting how 61 of the 98 are women, let's send em back to the kitchen.
  16. papadan


    I gots one just like that, tease the heck out of the neighbors cat with it!
  17. papadan

    Your NRA’s Deep Connection to Memorial Day

    Good read, so what happened, greed?
  18. papadan


    Nobody skeered of tin man! 😂
  19. papadan


    Nice to finally meet the Missus, Anni!
  20. papadan


    Huh?.... I don't even own a cell phone. Had a flip phone back when I was working, but no need for one now. Got the same land line # from 1977