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  1. The Night Rider

    Is the .45’s Stopping Power a Myth?

    The M107 was replaced by the M110A2 which was phased out in favor of the M109 series. I actually served in the Last M110A2 unit in the Army (2/157th FA Colorado NG) and shot the last 8 inch round ever fired by the United States. I never served in a 107 unit but my understanding is they...
  2. The Night Rider

    Is the .45’s Stopping Power a Myth?

    She can.
  3. The Night Rider

    Is the .45’s Stopping Power a Myth?

    IDK based on my research (I've never shot anybody) stopping power in general is a myth Unless you're shooting one of these
  4. The Night Rider

    The 20th Century Called - They Want Their Guns Back

    The first handgun I ever owned was a S&W model 915. I bought it the day I got out of the Army. There must have been something wrong with that particular gun (Not saying 915s in general) because it was inaccurate no matter who was shooting it. I ended up selling it. I still have a soft spot...
  5. The Night Rider

    Is the .45’s Stopping Power a Myth?

    There's nothing new to add to this topic. Every time it comes up the discussion just devolves into people justifying their choice. Sydney Vail, Martin Fackler and Gary Roberts all agree that there's no significant difference in the performance characteristics of the three main service calibers...
  6. The Night Rider

    Is the .45’s Stopping Power a Myth?

    No. Not with Marine issue ball. You might want to Google "Sea Stories".
  7. The Night Rider

    The FBI just arrested an Afghan man for plotting terrorist attacks on Election Day.

    My daughter hates guns, I've never really had the discussion with her husband but neither one of them or would anybody here would call "Gun people". The reason that I'm saying that is because the last time we were out at the ranch SIL pulled me to the side and started asking me about home...
  8. The Night Rider

    Top 3 Methods for Shooting with a Handheld Flashlight

    From the article Even many 1911 pistols have rails on them. Blasphemy!!!
  9. The Night Rider

    Kamala's Gun

    Actually, even assuming that she owns a gun what does that tell us? Am I supposed to believe that because she owns a gun she's a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment? This is a woman who is known to have kept innocent people in prison just a pad her numbers. Do you really think that she...
  10. The Night Rider

    Kamala's Gun

    I'm still not 100% sure I believe that she actually owns a gun. If she does I would be willing to bet you she does not know what caliber it is and she's never shot it.
  11. The Night Rider

    Chuck Norris

  12. The Night Rider

    Is Constitutional Carry a Mistake?

    Cops are civilians.
  13. The Night Rider

    i feel he was disrespected

    We don't know the whole story. It is not impossible that President Carter asked them to take him outside
  14. The Night Rider

    i feel he was disrespected

    I've not seen any evidence of this
  15. The Night Rider

    Closed Ports/Panic buying

    I'm not sure if you were replying to me but our dumpster's kind of weird. People move out and whatever they don't think they're going to need wherever they're going they leave at the dumpster. I haven't bought a window fan since I moved in here. One of my neighbors was taking out a really nice...
  16. The Night Rider

    Closed Ports/Panic buying

    Write a book or say nothing. Did these people learn nothing from the lockdowns? During the shortages I told my wife to take note of the things that we needed that were hard to come by and if it ever eased up to make sure that we had a stock of those things. Well, it did ease up and we did...
  17. The Night Rider

    Closed Ports/Panic buying

    Doesn't that just about cover it?
  18. The Night Rider

    i feel he was disrespected

    Jimmy Carter wasn't a good President. He's definitely a good man and regardless of his politics he is a Christian role model to me.
  19. The Night Rider

    How Close Is To Close?

    I've done similar drills. The instructor had us put our non-dominant hand on the side of our head when we shot to make sure it was out of the line of fire