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  1. Hawk Eye

    Why We Can’t Have Good Things

    Something not right about that news story, seems like an inside job.
  2. Hawk Eye

    Am I the only Revolver Guy left?

    I love my SP101; it feels like a natural extension of my hand. So comfortable to fire.
  3. Hawk Eye

    Get up, get gear, get a plan, and get moving.

    Nice article, I wasn’t aware of CCW Safe until today.
  4. Hawk Eye

    Gimmick To Game-Changer: Cheek Shooting with the Mossberg Shockwave

    I own a Shockwave and it suits me and my wife just fine. Not sure I’d put a recoil strap on it though.
  5. Hawk Eye

    Been a Hellcat owner for about 4 years now; own 2 of them. I enjoy reading the forum and Armory...

    Been a Hellcat owner for about 4 years now; own 2 of them. I enjoy reading the forum and Armory Life as well. Marine Corps vet and a shooter for close to 50 years. Glad to be a part of the forum.